Right now CP has a very long backlog on the continuation topic, because the following page on wiktionary was edited: https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Module%3Alanguages%2Fdata2 This page is transcluded in lots and lots of other pages, and an API request takes ages to complete: https://en.wiktionary.org/w/api.php?action=query&prop=transcludedin&titles=Module%3Alanguages%2Fdata2&tilimit=500
The max number of pages we can fetch in a single API request is 500, but 5000 is allowed to the bots. CP should either become a bot to get 5000 items in a single request, or a change should be made in MW API to allow CP get more items in a single request.
Longer term, we need to think how to optimise these API requests even further. Maybe get a MySQL slave and mare SQL queries from CP to MySQL directly?