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Check PDF needed and appealing functionalities for communities
Closed, ResolvedPublic


How do we use PDFs and book creator on Wikimedia projects?
What is the usual feature of such tools that is missing from ours or no longer working?
What features need to be preserved if we move to another system?
What are our options?

Closing: As this is now captured in T146757

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Is a clearer description available somewhere which problem to solve, e.g. explaining who "we" is, and how this is aligned with OCG work?

When it comes to missing things, also see and (old tracking tasks, open dependencies welcome triaging) and (for a list of current Phab projects covering PDF related tasks).

Hey @Andre, this focuses on the community side of things, before taking any tech decisions.

@Moushira I think we need to extend this to the collections extension (aka, how do people use the book creator feature) unless you already have a task for that. The pdf stuff is unfortunately tied closely to book creator. :(

Qgil triaged this task as Medium priority.Oct 4 2016, 1:29 PM
Qgil subscribed.

Assuming Normal priority.

Moushira updated the task description. (Show Details)