Some map services offer their maps only for a limited region, so we need to show those links when the user is viewing only that region.
- We could add geojson (geometry) field to the config file to specify the relevant region
- The client could either see them based on the map view center, or overlaping bounding box
- The geojson data will be stored in a separate file on the server, and merged with the externalData to minimize the payload (only referenced geojson objects will be attached to the result)
{ "regions": { // Value as returned from geoshapes service, GeoJSON's "geometries" field "Q30": {"type":"GeometryCollection","geometries":[{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-176.686, ...}, ... } "services": [ { "id": "us-and-canada-service", "featured": true, "region": ["Q30", "Q16"], // US, Canada ...