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Can not save user options when with Lingo 2.0.2
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Fiedwhs (talkcontribs)


I have a problem with saving my account user options when the extension Lingo is enable. I have updated my Mediawiki on 1.27.1. Additionally i have updated all used extension's also Lingo.

So i will edit my account user option and click to save all Parameters go back to the default value. If Lingo disable in the LocalSettings.php i can save every changes i've made. I've also tested Lingo 2.0.0 but it's the same effect.

I've tested the old Version 1.2.0 of Lingo and the user option works properly.

All other function's like browse pages, edit pages, view special pages and so on are okay.

My environment:

PHP 5.6.3

MySQL 5.6.21

Mediawiki 1.27.1

used extension's:

Lingo 2.0.2

Cite (bundled)

ImageMap (bundled)

pChart4mw 1.4.0


Event Timeline

Foxtrott triaged this task as Medium priority.Oct 5 2016, 9:58 PM
Foxtrott moved this task from Backlog to Bugs-High Prio on the MediaWiki-extensions-Lingo board.

Not observed anymore in latest master. Pages in the Special namespace, incl. Special:Preferences are not annotated anymore.