How to reproduce:
- Create a new newsletter
- Check the confirmation message - that should be a link.
01tonythomas | |
Oct 31 2016, 11:42 PM |
F4898024: 1.png | |
Nov 30 2016, 9:34 AM |
How to reproduce:
Subject | Repo | Branch | Lines +/- | |
en.json: display newsletter title on confimation page | mediawiki/extensions/Newsletter | master | +1 -1 |
Already imported: :) Thanks @Haritha28
@Haritha28 However, I changed the task, as it (at least from my POV) doesn't seem to be a task with more than one instance (a bug fix), right? Feel free to change it back, if this was a false assumption from my side :)
Change 324257 had a related patch set uploaded (by Phantom42):
en.json: display newsletter title on confimation page
It looks like everything is working on my local. Link is clickable. Here is proof screenshot.
Change 324257 merged by jenkins-bot:
en.json: display newsletter title on confimation page