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Create an 'abusefilter-exempt' flag for AbuseFilter to ignore users holding it
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Service reporting from per request.

User request that a 'abusefilter-exempt' flag be created so that edits and actions performed by users possessing this right are ignored by AbuseFilter.

Event Timeline

(...) I'm not really convinced that we should create a new flag to let users bypass all AbuseFilters, included those who should be applied to all users. It might be useful for non-WMF projects though.

MarcoAurelio renamed this task from Sysop bypass to Create an 'abusefilter-exempt' flag for AbuseFilter to ignore users holding it.Nov 8 2016, 11:28 AM

It may be useful for maintenance bots that do lots of edits, it would alleviate the load on the server to parse and execute every filter against each edit