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compare-postsummary-revisions page for deleted topics needs improvement
Open, Needs TriagePublic


  1. A user receives an email about some updates on a topic summary:

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  1. A topic was deleted.
  2. A user clicks on link 'View changes' in the email. Redirected to

The text on the page needs improving/rephrasing

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  • it misleadingly informs a user that a user does not have a permission
  • does not display a topic title nor the Flow board title

In a case with attempting to view a deleted topic via link from an email (a user clicks on 'View topic' from an email but the topic is deleted), the clear information will be display. This message can be re-used for viewing updates on summary to deleted topics.

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Note: The notificaitons that are associated with deleted topics get purged. A user cannot access to revisions updates from notifications.