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Notification page does not have bulk actions for marking things as read
Open, Needs TriagePublic


Just like mass delete, this should have numerous "mass read" options to cut down on the number of unread notifications active contributors receive.

Maybe like this:

  • mark all notifications by <username> as read
  • mark all notifications at <page name here, optionally a glob mask> as read
  • mark all notifications from <time 1> to <time 2> as read
  • mark all notifications of type <mention, email, etc> as read
  • combination of any of the above

Event Timeline

Gryllida renamed this task from Does not have mass actions to Notification does not have mass actions for marking things as read.Nov 14 2016, 3:23 AM
  • Mark all thanks as read

as well perhaps?

Mattflaschen-WMF renamed this task from Notification does not have mass actions for marking things as read to Notification page does not have bulk actions for marking things as read.Nov 15 2016, 7:28 PM

they way I read this, what you're asking for is different types of filters on the Notifications page -- filters by time period, by notification type, by users. Then, once you've filtered, you can mark as read.

How many notifications per day to you get? Our research showed that most users don't get enough to make all this filtering worthwhile.

One more question for @Gryllida: are you perhaps working on a wiki with Flow implementation? The research does show that with wider Flow usage, notification volume increases.