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- Mentioned In
- T172550: Detect when pages have generated content, and figure out how to inject this content into the Read HTML
T153980: Category pages are not shown correctly.
T120238: Wrong display of certain English Wikipedia portal pages in mobile - Mentioned Here
- T153980: Category pages are not shown correctly.
T114596: [RFC] Method for bare page retrieval (e.g. render only / no skin)
T148118: Parsoid doesn't include the main image for a File page
T120238: Wrong display of certain English Wikipedia portal pages in mobile
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Parsoid relies on the expandtemplates api call to get the expanded wikitext for transclusions and{{Commonscat|Engineering%20by%20type}}&prop=wikitext|categories|properties|modules|jsconfigvars&format=json returns empty output which is what Parsoid is displaying.
To expand on T148118#2716884: Category listings are a widget rendered by the skin, and are not part of the actual page contents. The information is available through the action API, and can be rendered by the skin / client in a device / context appropriate manner. Some clients might go with simple lists, while others might prefer a category cloud.
Example query:
If the existing category tree render is preferred, then the null skin idea proposed in T114596 could potentially help to expose the default skin rendering. A small complication for category pages might be that they normally combine page content (category description) with a skin-provided widget (category listing). Ideally, the null skin would only expose the skin portion, and leave the content portion to the client.
I'm not sure what's your definition of "skin-provided widget", but categories are an integral part of page content, including on category pages themselves, and should be included just any other content even if generated dynamically.
Anyway, if Parsoid doesn't want to do this then the problem arises of an API to get the entire content of a (category) page, cf. T153980#2897321