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Restrict tag changing to sysops by default
Closed, DuplicatePublic


The ability to edit tags on individual revisions and log entries should be restricted to sysops by default, as the feature might be subject to abuse.

Event Timeline

GTrang renamed this task from Restrict tag managment to sysops by default to Restrict tag management to sysops by default.Jan 8 2017, 3:35 PM
MGChecker renamed this task from Restrict tag management to sysops by default to Restrict tag changing to sysops by default.Jan 8 2017, 4:44 PM

@GeoffreyT2000: Have you experienced any abuse of that feature?

I have. I'm certain there were some tasks after deploying, but they are probably closed now.

Is this still desired / is there consensus to implement this change?

The ability to edit tags on individual revisions and log entries can be restricted to sysops with $wgGroupPermissions.

I didn’t see this task when creating my own, I apologize. Since work is already underway in that task, I will close this one as a duplicate :) Thanks!