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Update OAuth and other relevant settings for the new/extra URL
Closed, ResolvedPublic

Description and now both lead to the platform. OAuth and other relevant settings need updating for the new URL, either to replace twl-test, or to work alongside it (whichever is easier).

Event Timeline

Status: I've got a first draft of the code for this but I need to test it; waiting on my OAuth consumer for staging to be approved so that I can complete the testing.

OK, the consumer was approved and it works on staging, but something's not right yet about the callback URL on production. I need to figure out whether this is an issue on my end (communicating the wrong URL to my OAuth system) or on TWL's end (misconfigured consumer). You can still use the twl-test URL successfully.

OK, figured out how to check the consumer configuration and it's right, so I need to figure things out on my end.

Hm, can't seem to replicate that problem (it was redirecting to twl-test instead of wikipedialibrary, so the token didn't work...but then again I was sick when I was doing that testing and the error may have been with me and not the code). If anyone sees this problem again, we can reopen this.