The iOS team is currently implementing some new location search features to populate results on a map.
Something like this which returns the most popular results in a region based on page views:
In using this, it seems that it would be nice to return results like the summaries returned in the feed endpoints.
Current known use cases:
- Provide a location and radius (or bounding box) and return articles sorted by page views
- Provide a search query, location and radius (or bounding box) and return articles sorted by relevance/page views
- Provide a search query and only return articles with locations sorted by relevance/page views
- Provide "an object type", location and radius (or bounding box) and return articles sorted by relevance/page views (e.g. buildings, cities, monuments, etc…)
Breaking this down into a few dimensions:
- Return results within a bounding box OR or the entire world
- Return unfiltered results OR results filtered on a search term or object type
- Sorting results by page views
- Sorting results by relevance and page views
Some questions:
- Is this feasible for RESTBase? Obviously caching is nearly impossible with location queries.
- Is it best just to proxy to the MediaWIki API or are their better ways to perform location services in RESTBase?
- Can we use Wikidata categories to filter on object type