Found when checking T156697: "Days" and "limit" links on RC page need AJAX
There is a link, e.g. Show new changes starting from 21:50, 3 March 2017
<span class="rclistfrom"><a href="/w/index.php?title=Special:RecentChanges&from=20170303221259" title="Special:RecentChanges" data-params="{"from":"20170303221259"}" data-keys="from" class="mw-rcfilters-staticfilters-selected">Show new changes starting from 22:12, 3 March 2017</a></span>
The UI:
However, when the link clicked to be opened in a different tab ( or clicked on the RC page without filters)
- the url is different:
- the UI will have an additional text informing users that the link was clicked and also, if the selection of specific number of records was made to be displayed - "Below are the changes since 3 March 2017, 22:12 (up to 200 shown)." In the screenshot below the message is in the red rectangle:
Current production (enwiki) displays "Below are the changes since..." on the new RC page (with filters)