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Unwanted change of EducationProgram namespace
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Hi all,
cswiki users realized that the namespace of EducationProgram extension has changed at all wikis which have this extension enabled to Education program regardless how it is set to Education program. This breaks significant amount of links at cswiki. They says that it surely was correct at Thursday April 06.

I've found only one EP-related change which is 17ded338cf53ed8d690ed2e412823ee03fb57146.

According to SAL the change was deployed today at 15:33 by @Reedy (15:33 reedy@tin: Synchronized wmf-config/CommonSettings.php: Remove EducationProgram config back compat (duration: 00m 41s)).

I have no idea how this change could be relevant to the namespace problem but I didn't find any other one (I've checked operations/mediawiki-config and mediawiki/extensions/EducationProgram repo).

Please fix this ASAP

Thank you in advance,
Martin Urbanec

Steps to reproduce

  1. Browse to
  2. Navigate to Special:Courses
  3. Click at any course
  4. Have a look at the namespace. It should be Kurzy but it is Education program

Event Timeline

Restricted Application added subscribers: Base, Aklapper. · View Herald Transcript
Urbanecm triaged this task as High priority.Apr 7 2017, 7:28 PM
Urbanecm added a project: Regression.

A quick glance at extensions... It kinda looks like no extension that define namespaces, and have translations have actually been migrated to extension registration

@Legoktm Any ideas?

Yeah, the swap is a possibility of the change (when I look at the date, it broke today/yesterday).

Steps to reproduce

  1. Browse to
  2. Navigate to Special:Courses
  3. Click at any course
  4. Have a look at the namespace. It should be Kurzy but it is Education program
Urbanecm updated the task description. (Show Details)

The cs version isn't showing... It's in English

Yeah, it's in English. But should be in Czech. It is defined in i18.ns file in the extension's repo (see

Got it.

Going to fix this two different ways

Change 347122 had a related patch set uploaded (by Reedy):
[operations/mediawiki-config@master] Switch EducationProgram to extension.json for extension-list

Change 347123 had a related patch set uploaded (by Reedy):
[mediawiki/extensions/EducationProgram@master] Load ExtensionMessageFiles in PHP entry point

Change 347124 had a related patch set uploaded (by Reedy):
[mediawiki/extensions/EducationProgram@wmf/1.29.0-wmf.19] Load ExtensionMessageFiles in PHP entry point

Change 347124 merged by jenkins-bot:
[mediawiki/extensions/EducationProgram@wmf/1.29.0-wmf.19] Load ExtensionMessageFiles in PHP entry point

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-operations) [2017-04-07T22:18:26Z] <reedy@tin> Synchronized php-1.29.0-wmf.19/extensions/EducationProgram/EducationProgram.php: Load wgExtensionMessagesFiles in PHP entry point for mergeMessageLists T162481 (duration: 00m 49s)

Localisation Update should run in the next couple of hours. Which should fix the problem along with the merged/deployed change above

If not, I'll run scap manually myself tomorrow

LocalisationUpdate hasn't fixed it, has it?

Yes, the namespace is still in English...

Change 347122 merged by jenkins-bot:
[operations/mediawiki-config@master] Switch EducationProgram to extension.json for extension-list

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-operations) [2017-04-08T08:33:38Z] <reedy@tin> Synchronized wmf-config/extension-list: T162481 (duration: 00m 40s)

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-operations) [2017-04-08T08:34:36Z] <reedy@tin> Synchronized wmf-config/CommonSettings.php: T162481 (duration: 00m 39s)

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-operations) [2017-04-08T08:36:25Z] <reedy@tin> Started scap: Rebuild EP l10n cache for namespace aliases T162481

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-operations) [2017-04-08T09:55:36Z] <reedy@tin> Finished scap: Rebuild EP l10n cache for namespace aliases T162481 (duration: 79m 11s)

Change 347123 merged by jenkins-bot:
[mediawiki/extensions/EducationProgram@master] Load ExtensionMessageFiles in PHP entry point