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tools.framabot@tools-bastion-02:/shared/pywikipedia/core$ python upload -family:commons -lang:commons bc4c85d9f5_o_d.jpg
The filename on the target wiki will default to: 33285036503_bc4c85d9f5_o_d.jpg
Enter a better name, or press enter to accept:
The suggested description is:

It is not possible to upload a file without a summary/description.
Do you want to change this description? ([Y]es, [n]o, [q]uit): y
ERROR: Could not load GUI modules: No module named _tkinter, please install the python-tk package
No editor available.
Set your favourite editor in "editor", or install python packages tkinter and idlelib, which are typically part of Python but may be packaged separately on your platform.

It is not possible to upload a file without a summary/description.
Do you want to change this description? ([Y]es, [n]o, [q]uit):

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If you set in editor = '/usr/bin/vim' (or whatever), it should be OK even without tkinter.
GUI is a fallback to std editor.

Maybe the error message could be improved anyhow.

Oh, yes, I forgot this config. And the error message shows this...
@Mpaa Do you think that it's necessary to load some "rescue" editors, such as nano on linux or notepad.exe on windows ?

I did that.
Note that the same editor will be called e.g. by
It is quite convenient to have one configured.