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Experiment with Sentiment score feature for draftquality
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Try on draftquality and report if it helps detect unambiguous advertising or promotion- G11 on

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So I could setup a test with the library - that generates raw polarity scores for each document as an aggregate of positive and negative terms in the document. I used the and made the following observations:

The scores represent average polarity per document for each class:


Polarity_scores (480×640 px, 16 KB)

They show some promise for G11: Unambiguous advertising or promotion given the spike in first column

Sumit renamed this task from Experiment with WNAffect for draftquality to Experiment with Sentiment score feature for draftquality.Jun 12 2017, 4:49 PM

Some dirty digging around performance, by profiling a script scoring long ( > 20) lines sentences:

  Tue Jun 13 02:29:04 2017    stats

       187782473 function calls (187763251 primitive calls) in 171.367 seconds

 Ordered by: cumulative time
 List reduced from 5493 to 50 due to restriction <50>

 ncalls  tottime  percall  cumtime  percall filename:lineno(function)
 1125/1    0.076    0.000  171.370  171.370 {built-in method builtins.exec}
      1    0.000    0.000  171.370  171.370<module>)
      1    0.000    0.000  168.748  168.748
      2    0.000    0.000  168.740   84.370 /home/sumit/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sentiment_classifier-0.7-py3.6.egg/senti_classifier/
      2    0.006    0.003  168.740   84.370 /home/sumit/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sentiment_classifier-0.7-py3.6.egg/senti_classifier/
   1084    1.248    0.001  168.734    0.156 /home/sumit/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sentiment_classifier-0.7-py3.6.egg/senti_classifier/
 731495    0.795    0.000  152.014    0.000 /home/sumit/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/nltk/corpus/reader/
 731495    2.020    0.000  151.219    0.000 /home/sumit/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/nltk/corpus/reader/
 731495    7.519    0.000  119.911    0.000 /home/sumit/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/nltk/corpus/reader/
1447733   34.959    0.000  102.647    0.000 /home/sumit/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/nltk/corpus/reader/

From above, path_similarity and disambiguateWordSenses are the bottleneck which is understandable because for each word in the sentence, it takes each synset of the word and sums the path_similarity with every other word of the sentence to find the one with highest path_similarity score. See - disambiguateWordSenses and classify

We have two choices:

  • Find better way to disambiguate senses quickly as we process sentence
  • Restrict ourselves to a few starting words.

Removing stop words or restricting sentence to [-1,+1] during disambiguation did not give significant improvement.

Next: take only the most dominant sense of the word and add its polarity score

Most dominant word sense achieves tremendous improvement in computation, now taking only milliseconds. Now only need to verify if this assumption preserves our hypothesis related to sentiment of draft.

So I could setup a test with the library - that generates raw polarity scores for each document as an aggregate of positive and negative terms in the document. I used the and made the following observations:

Apologies if you've already covered this, but it might be helpful to also do a sentiment analysis of non-damaging edits, to determine our baseline?

So I could setup a test with the library - that generates raw polarity scores for each document as an aggregate of positive and negative terms in the document. I used the and made the following observations:

Apologies if you've already covered this, but it might be helpful to also do a sentiment analysis of non-damaging edits, to determine our baseline?

@awight yes, thats indeed necessary and thanks for pointing out! but as it turns out I could only work with the sample drafts mentioned above as the makefile would throw me "do not have permissions" error if I try to download the "deleted text" dataset. Can you benchmark those against the normal drafts and create a matrix probably? all the code is already in the PR and all thats needed is to run the utilities from

Finally, I have some progress to report. I've extracted the baseline feature list and the sentiment-laden feature list, and trained models on both, using the full set of c. 833k observations. The test_model jobs are running on labs, and should complete some time tomorrow.

Here are the baseline model's statistics,

(.env)awight@ores-compute-01:/srv/awight/draftquality$ revscoring model_info test-wo-sentiment    
 - type: GradientBoosting                        
 - params: learning_rate=0.01, loss="deviance", n_estimators=700, min_samples_leaf=1, min_samples_split=2, max_depth=7, balanced_sample_weight=false, warm_start=false, verbose=0, scale=false, random_state=null, max_leaf_nodes=null, max_features="log2", subsample=1.0, init=null, presort="auto", balanced_sample=false, center=false, min_weight_fraction_leaf=0.0                                
 - version: 0.0.1       
 - trained: 2017-07-04T04:40:01.173744           

                     ~OK    ~attack    ~spam    ~vandalism                                        
        ---------  -----  ---------  -------  ------------                                        
        OK         96654          5      395            70                                        
        attack       138         14       22            55                                        
        spam         850          1     1053            27                                        
        vandalism    445         19       74           178                                        

Accuracy: 0.979         
        -----------  -----                       
        'OK'         0.984                       
        'attack'     0.985                       
        'spam'       0.988                       
        'vandalism'  0.97                        
        -----------  -----                       

        ---------  -----                         
        spam       0.606                         
        attack     0.104                         
        OK         0.99 
        vandalism  0.34 
        ---------  -----                         

Filter rate @ 0.75 recall:                       
        label          threshold    filter_rate    recall                                         
        -----------  -----------  -------------  --------                                         
        'OK'               0.998          0.271     0.75                                          
        'attack'           0.032          0.986     0.751                                         
        'spam'             0.227          0.972     0.75                                          
        'vandalism'        0.063          0.975     0.75                                          

Filter rate @ 0.9 recall:                        
        label          threshold    filter_rate    recall                                         
        -----------  -----------  -------------  --------                                         
        'OK'               0.99           0.125     0.9                                           
        'attack'           0.011          0.972     0.904                                         
        'spam'             0.075          0.949     0.9                                           
        'vandalism'        0.014          0.944     0.901

The model w/sentiment is forthcoming...

Here are the long promised stats for a model trained with the sentiment patch,

bzcat datasets/enwiki.draft_quality.201508-201608.test.100k.with_cache.json.bz2 | \
  revscoring test_model \
  models/enwiki.draft_quality_with_sentiment.gradient_boosting.model \
  --observations="<stdin>" \
  draft_quality \
  -s 'table' -s 'accuracy' -s 'roc' -s 'f1' \
  -s 'filter_rate_at_recall(min_recall=0.75)' \
  -s 'filter_rate_at_recall(min_recall=0.9)' > test-sentiment
2017-07-06 10:56:36,989 INFO:revscoring.utilities.test_model -- Testing model...
 - type: GradientBoosting
 - params: max_features="log2", presort="auto", warm_start=false, center=false, max_leaf_nodes=null, init=null, verbose=0, balanced_sample_weight=false, min_samples_leaf=1, scale=false, learning_rate=0.01, min_samples_split=2, balanced_sample=false, loss="deviance", min_weight_fraction_leaf=0.0, subsample=1.0, random_state=null, max_depth=7, n_estimators=700
 - version: 0.0.1
 - trained: 2017-07-04T11:37:58.707848

                     ~OK    ~attack    ~spam    ~vandalism
        ---------  -----  ---------  -------  ------------
        OK         96681          5      370            68
        attack       138         16       17            58
        spam         843          1     1059            28
        vandalism    454         17       66           179

Accuracy: 0.979
        -----------  -----
        'OK'         0.984
        'attack'     0.985
        'spam'       0.988
        'vandalism'  0.97
        -----------  -----

        ---------  -----
        vandalism  0.341
        OK         0.99
        spam       0.615
        attack     0.119
        ---------  -----

Filter rate @ 0.75 recall:
        label          threshold    filter_rate    recall
        -----------  -----------  -------------  --------
        'OK'               0.998          0.271     0.75
        'attack'           0.034          0.987     0.751
        'spam'             0.233          0.973     0.75
        'vandalism'        0.067          0.976     0.75

Filter rate @ 0.9 recall:
        label          threshold    filter_rate    recall
        -----------  -----------  -------------  --------
        'OK'               0.99           0.125     0.9
        'attack'           0.012          0.974     0.904
        'spam'             0.077          0.951     0.9
        'vandalism'        0.013          0.943     0.901

Makefile I used for this fun:

My patch to add the sentiment-laden feature list,

--- a/draftquality/feature_lists/
+++ b/draftquality/feature_lists/
@@ -192,5 +192,8 @@ sentiment_based = [
 draft_quality = (char_based + token_based + parse_based +
+                 badwords + informals + dict_words + local_wiki)
+draft_quality_with_sentiment = (char_based + token_based + parse_based +
                  badwords + informals + dict_words + local_wiki +

@Halfak when you have time to review these results, ping me cos I want to learn how to debunk. For example, how would I tell that I haven't corrupted test data by training on it, or accidentally built both models on draft_quality without any sentiment features?

I'd try this:

$ cd draftquality/
$ python
Python 3.5.1+ (default, Mar 30 2016, 22:46:26) 
[GCC 5.3.1 20160330] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> from revscoring import ScorerModel
>>> sm = ScorerModel.load(open("models/enwiki.draft_quality.gradient_boosting.model"))
>>> sm.features
(<feature.wikitext.revision.chars>, <feature.wikitext.revision.whitespace_chars>, <feature.wikitext.revision.markup_chars>, <feature.wikitext.revision.cjk_chars>, <feature.wikitext.revision.entity_chars>, <feature.wikitext.revision.url_chars>, <feature.wikitext.revision.word_chars>, <feature.wikitext.revision.uppercase_word_chars>, <feature.wikitext.revision.punctuation_chars>, <feature.wikitext.revision.break_chars>, <feature.wikitext.revision.longest_repeated_char>, <feature.(wikitext.revision.whitespace_chars / max(wikitext.revision.chars, 1))>, <feature.(wikitext.revision.markup_chars / max(wikitext.revision.chars, 1))>, <feature.(wikitext.revision.cjk_chars / max(wikitext.revision.chars, 1))>, <feature.(wikitext.revision.entity_chars / max(wikitext.revision.chars, 1))>, <feature.(wikitext.revision.url_chars / max(wikitext.revision.chars, 1))>, <feature.(wikitext.revision.word_chars / max(wikitext.revision.chars, 1))>, <feature.(wikitext.revision.uppercase_word_chars / max(wikitext.revision.chars, 1))>, <feature.(wikitext.revision.punctuation_chars / max(wikitext.revision.chars, 1))>, <feature.(wikitext.revision.break_chars / max(wikitext.revision.chars, 1))>, <feature.(wikitext.revision.longest_repeated_char / max(wikitext.revision.chars, 1))>, <feature.len(<datasource.tokenized(datasource.revision.text)>)>, <feature.len(<datasource.wikitext.revision.numbers>)>, <feature.len(<datasource.wikitext.revision.whitespaces>)>, <feature.len(<datasource.wikitext.revision.markups>)>, <feature.len(<datasource.wikitext.revision.cjks>)>, <feature.len(<datasource.wikitext.revision.entities>)>, <feature.len(<datasource.wikitext.revision.urls>)>, <feature.len(<datasource.wikitext.revision.words>)>, <feature.len(<datasource.wikitext.revision.uppercase_words>)>, <feature.len(<datasource.wikitext.revision.punctuations>)>, <feature.len(<datasource.wikitext.revision.breaks>)>, <feature.max(<<built-in function len>, <datasource.tokenized(datasource.revision.text)>)>)>, <feature.max(<<built-in function len>, <datasource.wikitext.revision.words>)>)>, <feature.(len(<datasource.wikitext.revision.numbers>) / max(len(<datasource.tokenized(datasource.revision.text)>), 1))>, <feature.(len(<datasource.wikitext.revision.whitespaces>) / max(len(<datasource.tokenized(datasource.revision.text)>), 1))>, <feature.(len(<datasource.wikitext.revision.markups>) / max(len(<datasource.tokenized(datasource.revision.text)>), 1))>, <feature.(len(<datasource.wikitext.revision.cjks>) / max(len(<datasource.tokenized(datasource.revision.text)>), 1))>, <feature.(len(<datasource.wikitext.revision.entities>) / max(len(<datasource.tokenized(datasource.revision.text)>), 1))>, <feature.(len(<datasource.wikitext.revision.urls>) / max(len(<datasource.tokenized(datasource.revision.text)>), 1))>, <feature.(len(<datasource.wikitext.revision.words>) / max(len(<datasource.tokenized(datasource.revision.text)>), 1))>, <feature.(len(<datasource.wikitext.revision.uppercase_words>) / max(len(<datasource.tokenized(datasource.revision.text)>), 1))>, <feature.(len(<datasource.wikitext.revision.punctuations>) / max(len(<datasource.tokenized(datasource.revision.text)>), 1))>, <feature.(len(<datasource.wikitext.revision.breaks>) / max(len(<datasource.tokenized(datasource.revision.text)>), 1))>, <feature.(max(<<built-in function len>, <datasource.tokenized(datasource.revision.text)>)>) / max(len(<datasource.tokenized(datasource.revision.text)>), 1))>, <feature.(max(<<built-in function len>, <datasource.wikitext.revision.words>)>) / max(len(<datasource.tokenized(datasource.revision.text)>), 1))>, <feature.wikitext.revision.content_chars>, <feature.wikitext.revision.headings>, <feature.wikitext.revision.external_links>, <feature.wikitext.revision.wikilinks>, <feature.wikitext.revision.tags>, <feature.wikitext.revision.ref_tags>, <feature.wikitext.revision.templates>, <feature.(wikitext.revision.content_chars / max(len(<datasource.tokenized(datasource.revision.text)>), 1))>, <feature.(wikitext.revision.headings / max(len(<datasource.tokenized(datasource.revision.text)>), 1))>, <feature.(wikitext.revision.external_links / max(len(<datasource.tokenized(datasource.revision.text)>), 1))>, <feature.(wikitext.revision.wikilinks / max(len(<datasource.tokenized(datasource.revision.text)>), 1))>, <feature.(wikitext.revision.tags / max(len(<datasource.tokenized(datasource.revision.text)>), 1))>, <feature.(wikitext.revision.ref_tags / max(len(<datasource.tokenized(datasource.revision.text)>), 1))>, <feature.(wikitext.revision.templates / max(len(<datasource.tokenized(datasource.revision.text)>), 1))>, <feature.len(<datasource.english.badwords.revision.matches>)>, <feature.(len(<datasource.english.badwords.revision.matches>) / max(len(<datasource.wikitext.revision.words>), 1))>, <feature.len(<datasource.english.informals.revision.matches>)>, <feature.(len(<datasource.english.informals.revision.matches>) / max(len(<datasource.wikitext.revision.words>), 1))>, <feature.len(<datasource.english.dictionary.revision.dict_words>)>, <feature.len(<datasource.english.dictionary.revision.non_dict_words>)>, <feature.(len(<datasource.english.dictionary.revision.dict_words>) / max(len(<datasource.wikitext.revision.words>), 1))>, <feature.(len(<datasource.english.dictionary.revision.non_dict_words>) / max(len(<datasource.wikitext.revision.words>), 1))>, <feature.enwiki.revision.image_links>, <feature.(enwiki.revision.image_links / max(wikitext.revision.content_chars, 1))>, <feature.enwiki.revision.category_links>, <feature.(enwiki.revision.category_links / max(wikitext.revision.content_chars, 1))>, <feature.enwiki.revision.cite_templates>, <feature.(enwiki.revision.cite_templates / max(wikitext.revision.content_chars, 1))>, <feature.(enwiki.revision.cite_templates / max(wikitext.revision.ref_tags, 1))>, <feature.max((wikitext.revision.ref_tags - enwiki.revision.cite_templates), 0)>, <feature.(max((wikitext.revision.ref_tags - enwiki.revision.cite_templates), 0) / max(wikitext.revision.content_chars, 1))>, <feature.enwiki.revision.non_cite_templates>, <feature.(enwiki.revision.non_cite_templates / max(wikitext.revision.content_chars, 1))>, <feature.enwiki.revision.infobox_templates>, <feature.enwiki.revision.cn_templates>, <feature.(enwiki.revision.cn_templates / max(wikitext.revision.content_chars, 1))>, <feature.enwiki.revision.cn_templates>, <feature.(enwiki.revision.cn_templates / max(wikitext.revision.content_chars, 1))>, <feature.enwiki.main_article_templates>, <feature.(enwiki.main_article_templates / max(wikitext.revision.content_chars, 1))>, <feature.(english.stemmed.revision.stems_length / max(wikitext.revision.content_chars, 1))>)

Do that for both models and you should see a difference that will confirm that the model was in fact trained on new features.

Verified that the with_sentiment model includes <feature.positive_polarity>, <feature.negative_polarity>, <feature.diff_polarity> and without sentiment doesn't include them.

Is this the "surprising" turn of events, in which case we should investigate further?

Another very likely possibility is that I just didn't read the test stats correctly.

Here's what I got. It roughly matches Adama's 2nd model. But one surprising bit that I've only noticed now is that we're better at attack pages than we were before. This might be worth merging.

                      ~OK    ~attack    ~spam    ~vandalism
        ---------  ------  ---------  -------  ------------
        OK         877115         57     3324           658
        attack       1104        200      184           571
        spam         8182          8     9271           238
        vandalism    4074        185      638          1606

Accuracy: 0.979
        -----------  -----
        'OK'         0.984
        'attack'     0.982
        'spam'       0.988
        'vandalism'  0.97
        -----------  -----

        ---------  -----
        OK         0.99
        attack     0.159
        vandalism  0.335
        spam       0.596
        ---------  -----

Filter rate @ 0.75 recall:
        label          threshold    filter_rate    recall
        -----------  -----------  -------------  --------
        'OK'               0.998          0.271     0.75
        'attack'           0.037          0.987     0.752
        'spam'             0.204          0.971     0.75
        'vandalism'        0.062          0.975     0.751

Filter rate @ 0.9 recall:
        label          threshold    filter_rate    recall
        -----------  -----------  -------------  --------
        'OK'               0.99           0.125     0.9
        'attack'           0.011          0.971     0.902
        'spam'             0.068          0.948     0.9
        'vandalism'        0.011          0.936     0.901