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Images in the StudentActivity page aren't showing up.
Closed, ResolvedPublic

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This would my first bug .now so can anyone guide me the file in that with causes this bug.
I have downloaded the MediaWiki-extension-EducationProgram .

@prakamya: It is part of your task to investigate and find out. :) Please see . If you have specific questions, please ask them - we are happy to help!

In the code there is image source: <img src="/mediawiki-1.30.0/extensionsimages/student-o-meter_morethan-0.png", and there is no 'extensionsimages' folder in the core.

The browser used should be irrelevant here.
extensionsimages/ might be due to a missing / somewhere in the code (imageDir or such?), as I can imagine this to be extensions/images/ instead.

Change 407441 had a related patch set uploaded (by Dheerajmalisetty; owner: Dheerajmalisetty):
[mediawiki/extensions/EducationProgram@master] Fix the path for the Images in the StudentActivity page

@AndyRussG : I have submitted the patch, And can the patch be merged?

Change 407441 merged by jenkins-bot:
[mediawiki/extensions/EducationProgram@master] Fix the path for the Images in the StudentActivity page