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Limit apps-android-wikipedia-periodic-test to only the screenshot tests
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Most of our CI tests have been converted from integration tests (frequently involving network calls) to unit tests (running against a mocked web server where applicable). We should convert the remaining tests with network calls to self-contained unit tests (or delete them if redundant), and isolate the long-running screenshot tests in apps-android-wikipedia-periodic-test. This will allow us to maximize the per-revision testing in CI and to merge patches with greater confidence.

Event Timeline

Note after some magic happened, the job runs in ~ 11 minutes (was 45 minutes) \o/ ( T150623 )

The Jenkins job invokes scripts/apps-android-wikipedia-periodic-test which is directly in the apps/android/wikipedia git repo.

#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -euo pipefail


./gradlew clean checkstyle lintAlphaRelease testAllAlphaRelease


So I guess you can pass gradle a different goal and that would drop the integration tests.