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A new JavaScript event is blocking the printable versions in Firefox
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For a few days, the Sidebar link "Printable version" can't display its page anymore, because a new JavaScript event asks to the navigator to print the page instead. In ready.js:

		$( '#t-print a' ).click( function ( e ) {
		} );

With Chrome it's not a problem because the print preview is displayed next to the printer choice.


Would it be possible to rollback this event please?

Event Timeline

JackPotte updated the task description. (Show Details)
JackPotte updated the task description. (Show Details)
JackPotte updated the task description. (Show Details)

Would it be possible to rollback this event please?

Please provide reasons why the new behavior is a problem. What is the use case behind this request?

We should probably change "Printable version" to "Print this page" but apart from that I don't see any obvious issue here. Yet.

I can see one: the link behind "Printable version" is the printable page (https://...&printable=yes) but with Firefox we can never reach it.

I don't have any US apart from my previous UX.

The new behaviour is intentional. We are phasing out the printable mode. Background is available in T24256.