Goal description
Production currently runs kubernetes 1.4.4 alongside a few of our patches. Those are found currently in https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/diffusion/ODFM/browse/master/debian/patches/admission_controllers. We would like to upgrade to 1.5 or 1.6. Those patches are not currently used in production, but are used in labs.
Given that no production services are currently running on our kubernetes clusters it's the probably the best time to evaluate the changes from kubernetes 1.4 => 1.5 and/or 1.6, discern if our local patches can/should be forward ported or replaced and upgrade to at least 1.5
Note that Debian sid is currently providing a 1.5.5 kubernetes package but the package never made it to stretch. We may or may not want to use that package, it depends on our evaluation.
Goal result
Upgrade of our kubernetes packages for stretch-wikimedia and production and staging clusters to 1.7.4 has happened. Those clusters have been reimaged as stretch-wikimedia as a result.