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Should notification categories be plural (Mentions) or singular (Mention)?
Open, Needs TriagePublic


It's currently inconsistent (Thanks, Translations), but mostly singular.

I think plural (Thanks, Translations, Mentions, Page links, etc.) would be better.

image.png (448×325 px, 22 KB)

Event Timeline

Restricted Application added a subscriber: Aklapper. · View Herald Transcript
kostajh moved this task from Inbox to Triaged but Future on the Growth-Team board.
kostajh added subscribers: MMiller_WMF, kostajh.

Patches are welcome, but this is not likely to be something that Growth-Team works on in the short-to-medium term.

My two cents, if the wording for "Notify me about these events" changes to "Notify me about these types of events", then singular seems to make more sense, and most labels are already using singular. Maybe @MMiller_WMF has an opinion on it.