The parser has various integration tests that assume the installation of Vector.
Now MinervaNeue is a skin this assumption is flawed. The doEditSectionLink hook, which is used by the MinervaNeue skin, can alter the output HTML.
The tests should be rewritten to explicitly use the FallbackSkin which does not use the doEditSectionLink and will make the tests more consistent.
This blocks merges on:
- RelatedArticles
- MobileApps
Replication steps
- Install MinervaNeue and MobileFrontend make sure MinervaNeue is the only installed skin (Disable the Vector skin locally. )
- Run > php tests/phpunit/phpunit.php --testsuite extensions
- Wait because it's slow...
The HTML in question:
<a href="/index.php?title=API&action=edit&section=1" title="Edit section: foo" data-section="1" class="mw-ui-icon mw-ui-icon-element mw-ui-icon-edit-enabled edit-page">Edit</a>
is provided by SkinMinerva::doEditSectionLink.
ParserOutput calls this...
It seems our parser tests assume they are running under Vector (or another skin that does not make use of doEditSectionLink)? This looks like a bug in core's tests....
There are two places where the tests need to specify a skin: