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Scrolling in Wikidata Query Service table results is buggy
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Consider last meals of people%0ASELECT %3Fperson %3FpersonLabel (GROUP_CONCAT(%3FmealLabel%3B separator %3D "%2C ") AS %3Fmeal) WHERE {%0A %3Fperson wdt%3AP3902 %3Fmeal.%0A SERVICE wikibase%3Alabel {%0A bd%3AserviceParam wikibase%3Alanguage "[AUTO_LANGUAGE]%2Cen".%0A %3Fperson rdfs%3Alabel %3FpersonLabel.%0A %3Fmeal rdfs%3Alabel %3FmealLabel.%0A }%0A}%0AGROUP BY %3Fperson %3FpersonLabel I get a result table where I cannot see the bottom results. If I try to scroll, the edit field adaptively resizes making it impossible to scroll to the bottom. There are 4 results in the list. I tried with a couple of other where I did not see the problem.

I am on Ubuntu Firefox 54.0.

Event Timeline

Sorry, we already fixed it on master:

As a workaround just resize your window, sorry for the inconvenience.

The UX for scrolling is still terribly bad. It makes it close to unusable for some queries. Try with this gist

Ok can confirm when query is long it is still buggy, also on mobile

Jonas raised the priority of this task from High to Needs Triage.