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Expand PAWS cluster to be about 10 nodes
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A good chunk of tools' current workload is PAWS pods. I'd like to get PAWS cluster to about 10 nodes, so we've plenty of room to maneuver :)

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To be clear, I don't actually care too much about the size of Tools' k8s cluster :) I only want about 8-10 nodes for the PAWS cluster :) Am happy to let toolforge admins decide if they wanna down size tools' cluster

It's at 5 nodes now, and I've run out of quota in tools now.

@bd808 @chasemp what do you think of me depooling & deleting 5 k8s tools nodes and creating 5 paws ones? That would mean that the tools k8s cluster would've totally lost 5 nodes, and the PAWS cluster would be at 10 nodes. That should be able to stably sustain everything for a while!

Another option is to just increase tools quota. Either is fine by me!

Lets just bump the quota. We can always dial it back later.

Lets just bump the quota. We can always dial it back later.

Added 40G of ram quota:

$ nova quota-show --tenant tools
| Quota                       | Limit   |
| instances                   | 150     |
| cores                       | 596     |
| ram                         | 1128964 |
| floating_ips                | 53      |
| fixed_ips                   | 200     |
| metadata_items              | 128     |
| injected_files              | 5       |
| injected_file_content_bytes | 10240   |
| injected_file_path_bytes    | 255     |
| key_pairs                   | 100     |
| security_groups             | 50      |
| security_group_rules        | 20      |
| server_groups               | 10      |
| server_group_members        | 10      |
$ nova quota-update tools --ram 1169924
$ nova quota-show --tenant tools
| Quota                       | Limit   |
| instances                   | 150     |
| cores                       | 596     |
| ram                         | 1169924 |
| floating_ips                | 53      |
| fixed_ips                   | 200     |
| metadata_items              | 128     |
| injected_files              | 5       |
| injected_file_content_bytes | 10240   |
| injected_file_path_bytes    | 255     |
| key_pairs                   | 100     |
| security_groups             | 50      |
| security_group_rules        | 20      |
| server_groups               | 10      |
| server_group_members        | 10      |
$ nova-manage project quota --project tools
No handlers could be found for logger "oslo_config.cfg"
Quota                                Limit      In Use     Reserved
metadata_items                       128        0          0
injected_file_content_bytes          10240      0          0
server_group_members                 10         0          0
server_groups                        10         0          0
ram                                  1169924    1122308    0
floating_ips                         53         53         0
security_group_rules                 20         0          0
instances                            150        142        0
key_pairs                            100        0          0
injected_files                       5          0          0
cores                                596        548        0
fixed_ips                            200        147        0
injected_file_path_bytes             255        0          0
security_groups                      50         16         0

tvym, @bd808!

Since labs in general hates it when I try to create new instances, it took me almost 20 tries with lots of instances failing, but I now have ten nodes! Hopefully I'll not have to touch instance creation again for a long time. It's quite frustrating... :(