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Prepare and check storage layer for hif.wiktionary
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New public wiki.

Event Timeline

Jayprakash12345 lowered the priority of this task from Medium to Low.Aug 20 2017, 4:07 AM
Jayprakash12345 created this task.
Marostegui subscribed.


Let the DBAs know once the database is actually created as it is not yet there.
Not for DBAs, we need to ALTER the tables to get the PKs in place as the patch to tables.sql isn't merged yet.

I will sanitize this tomorrow and once done will hand it over cloud-services-team

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-operations) [2017-11-07T08:49:13Z] <marostegui> Run redact_sanitarium for hifwiktionary on db1095 (sanitarium) - T173647

I have sanitized sanitarium and checked that itself and labs got sanitized correctly.
No private data was reported and registered myself and all the sensitive fields were cleaned up correctly.

This is ready for cloud-services-team to create the views.

Marostegui raised the priority of this task from Low to Medium.Nov 7 2017, 10:02 AM

@aborrero the instructions for what to do next are at:

  • On labsdb1003:
    • maintain-views --mysql-socket /tmp/mysql.sock --databases hifwiktionary --debug
    • /usr/local/sbin/maintain-meta_p --mysql-socket /tmp/mysql.sock --databases hifwiktionary
  • On labsdb1009, labsdb1010, labsdb1011:
    • maintain-views --databases hifwiktionary --debug
    • /usr/local/sbin/maintain-meta_p --databases hifwiktionary
  • On
    • /usr/local/sbin/wikireplica_dns --aliases --shard s3

Once you have done that you should be able to connect to the database from a Toolforge bastion with:

$ sql hifwiktionary
$ sql --cluster analytics hifwiktionary
$ sql --cluster web hifwiktionary

$ sql hifwiktionary: actually this one will not work until a patch for hieradata/common/profile/openstack/base/pdns/labsdb.yaml in rOPUP Wikimedia Puppet has been made and merged as well. The patch would add - hwiktionary under the profile::openstack::base::pdns::labsdb::c3 key.

$ sql hifwiktionary: actually this one will not work until a patch for hieradata/common/profile/openstack/base/pdns/labsdb.yaml in rOPUP Wikimedia Puppet has been made and merged as well. The patch would add - hwiktionary under the profile::openstack::base::pdns::labsdb::c3 key.

I already made after creating the wiki

As this is my first time doing this, I will paste here the results for the record:

> aborrero@labsdb1003:~$ maintain-views --mysql-socket /tmp/mysql.sock --databases hifwiktionary --debug
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,144 DEBUG Removing 0 dbs as sensitive
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,169 DEBUG SQL: CREATE DATABASE `hifwiktionary_p`;
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,170 INFO Full views for hifwiktionary:
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,173 INFO [abuse_filter_action] 
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,174 DEBUG SQL: 
>                     CREATE OR REPLACE
>                     DEFINER=viewmaster
>                     VIEW `hifwiktionary_p`.`abuse_filter_action`
>                     AS SELECT * FROM `hifwiktionary`.`abuse_filter_action`;
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,181 DEBUG Skipping full view article_assessment on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,183 DEBUG Skipping full view article_assessment_pages on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,185 DEBUG Skipping full view article_assessment_ratings on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,186 DEBUG Skipping full view article_feedback on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,187 DEBUG Skipping full view article_feedback_pages on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,189 DEBUG Skipping full view article_feedback_properties on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,190 DEBUG Skipping full view article_feedback_ratings on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,191 DEBUG Skipping full view article_feedback_revisions on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,195 DEBUG Skipping full view article_feedback_stats on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,197 DEBUG Skipping full view article_feedback_stats_types on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,199 INFO [babel] 
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,200 DEBUG SQL: 
>                     CREATE OR REPLACE
>                     DEFINER=viewmaster
>                     VIEW `hifwiktionary_p`.`babel`
>                     AS SELECT * FROM `hifwiktionary`.`babel`;
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,233 INFO [category] 
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,234 DEBUG SQL: 
>                     CREATE OR REPLACE
>                     DEFINER=viewmaster
>                     VIEW `hifwiktionary_p`.`category`
>                     AS SELECT * FROM `hifwiktionary`.`category`;
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,243 INFO [categorylinks] 
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,244 DEBUG SQL: 
>                     CREATE OR REPLACE
>                     DEFINER=viewmaster
>                     VIEW `hifwiktionary_p`.`categorylinks`
>                     AS SELECT * FROM `hifwiktionary`.`categorylinks`;
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,282 INFO [change_tag] 
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,284 DEBUG SQL: 
>                     CREATE OR REPLACE
>                     DEFINER=viewmaster
>                     VIEW `hifwiktionary_p`.`change_tag`
>                     AS SELECT * FROM `hifwiktionary`.`change_tag`;
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,289 DEBUG Skipping full view cn_assignments on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,291 DEBUG Skipping full view cn_known_devices on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,292 DEBUG Skipping full view cn_known_mobile_carriers on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,294 DEBUG Skipping full view cn_notice_countries on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,296 DEBUG Skipping full view cn_notice_languages on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,298 DEBUG Skipping full view cn_notice_log on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,301 DEBUG Skipping full view cn_notice_mixin_params on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,303 DEBUG Skipping full view cn_notice_mixins on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,305 DEBUG Skipping full view cn_notice_mobile_carriers on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,310 DEBUG Skipping full view cn_notice_projects on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,312 DEBUG Skipping full view cn_notices on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,314 DEBUG Skipping full view cn_template_devices on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,316 DEBUG Skipping full view cn_template_log on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,318 DEBUG Skipping full view cn_template_mixins on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,319 DEBUG Skipping full view cn_templates on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,320 DEBUG Skipping full view ep_articles on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,322 DEBUG Skipping full view ep_cas on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,323 DEBUG Skipping full view ep_events on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,325 DEBUG Skipping full view ep_instructors on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,326 DEBUG Skipping full view ep_oas on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,328 DEBUG Skipping full view ep_orgs on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,330 DEBUG Skipping full view ep_revisions on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,331 DEBUG Skipping full view ep_students on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,333 DEBUG Skipping full view ep_users_per_course on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,335 INFO [externallinks] 
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,335 DEBUG SQL: 
>                     CREATE OR REPLACE
>                     DEFINER=viewmaster
>                     VIEW `hifwiktionary_p`.`externallinks`
>                     AS SELECT * FROM `hifwiktionary`.`externallinks`;
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,359 DEBUG Skipping full view flaggedimages on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,362 DEBUG Skipping full view flaggedpage_config on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,364 DEBUG Skipping full view flaggedpage_pending on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,367 DEBUG Skipping full view flaggedpages on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,368 DEBUG Skipping full view flaggedrevs on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,370 DEBUG Skipping full view flaggedrevs_promote on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,372 DEBUG Skipping full view flaggedrevs_statistics on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,373 DEBUG Skipping full view flaggedrevs_stats on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,374 DEBUG Skipping full view flaggedrevs_stats2 on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,375 DEBUG Skipping full view flaggedrevs_tracking on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,376 DEBUG Skipping full view flaggedtemplates on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,377 DEBUG Skipping full view geo_killlist on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,379 INFO [geo_tags] 
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,380 DEBUG SQL: 
>                     CREATE OR REPLACE
>                     DEFINER=viewmaster
>                     VIEW `hifwiktionary_p`.`geo_tags`
>                     AS SELECT * FROM `hifwiktionary`.`geo_tags`;
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,396 DEBUG Skipping full view geo_updates on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,398 DEBUG Skipping full view globalimagelinks on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,400 INFO [global_block_whitelist] 
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,401 DEBUG SQL: 
>                     CREATE OR REPLACE
>                     DEFINER=viewmaster
>                     VIEW `hifwiktionary_p`.`global_block_whitelist`
>                     AS SELECT * FROM `hifwiktionary`.`global_block_whitelist`;
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,456 DEBUG Skipping full view hashs on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,459 INFO [image] 
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,460 DEBUG SQL: 
>                     CREATE OR REPLACE
>                     DEFINER=viewmaster
>                     VIEW `hifwiktionary_p`.`image`
>                     AS SELECT * FROM `hifwiktionary`.`image`;
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,471 INFO [imagelinks] 
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,472 DEBUG SQL: 
>                     CREATE OR REPLACE
>                     DEFINER=viewmaster
>                     VIEW `hifwiktionary_p`.`imagelinks`
>                     AS SELECT * FROM `hifwiktionary`.`imagelinks`;
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,475 DEBUG Skipping full view imagelinks_old on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,477 INFO [interwiki] 
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,479 DEBUG SQL: 
>                     CREATE OR REPLACE
>                     DEFINER=viewmaster
>                     VIEW `hifwiktionary_p`.`interwiki`
>                     AS SELECT * FROM `hifwiktionary`.`interwiki`;
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,501 INFO [iwlinks] 
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,502 DEBUG SQL: 
>                     CREATE OR REPLACE
>                     DEFINER=viewmaster
>                     VIEW `hifwiktionary_p`.`iwlinks`
>                     AS SELECT * FROM `hifwiktionary`.`iwlinks`;
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,507 INFO [l10n_cache] 
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,508 DEBUG SQL: 
>                     CREATE OR REPLACE
>                     DEFINER=viewmaster
>                     VIEW `hifwiktionary_p`.`l10n_cache`
>                     AS SELECT * FROM `hifwiktionary`.`l10n_cache`;
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,530 INFO [langlinks] 
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,531 DEBUG SQL: 
>                     CREATE OR REPLACE
>                     DEFINER=viewmaster
>                     VIEW `hifwiktionary_p`.`langlinks`
>                     AS SELECT * FROM `hifwiktionary`.`langlinks`;
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,535 DEBUG Skipping full view links on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,537 INFO [linter] 
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,538 DEBUG SQL: 
>                     CREATE OR REPLACE
>                     DEFINER=viewmaster
>                     VIEW `hifwiktionary_p`.`linter`
>                     AS SELECT * FROM `hifwiktionary`.`linter`;
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,568 DEBUG Skipping full view localisation on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,570 DEBUG Skipping full view localisation_file_hash on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,571 INFO [math] 
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,573 DEBUG SQL: 
>                     CREATE OR REPLACE
>                     DEFINER=viewmaster
>                     VIEW `hifwiktionary_p`.`math`
>                     AS SELECT * FROM `hifwiktionary`.`math`;
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,576 INFO [module_deps] 
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,579 DEBUG SQL: 
>                     CREATE OR REPLACE
>                     DEFINER=viewmaster
>                     VIEW `hifwiktionary_p`.`module_deps`
>                     AS SELECT * FROM `hifwiktionary`.`module_deps`;
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,584 DEBUG Skipping full view msg_resource_links on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,586 DEBUG Skipping full view namespaces on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,588 DEBUG Skipping full view ores_classification on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,590 DEBUG Skipping full view ores_model on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,592 INFO [page] 
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,593 DEBUG SQL: 
>                     CREATE OR REPLACE
>                     DEFINER=viewmaster
>                     VIEW `hifwiktionary_p`.`page`
>                     AS SELECT * FROM `hifwiktionary`.`page`;
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,599 DEBUG Skipping full view page_broken on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,602 INFO [pagelinks] 
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,605 DEBUG SQL: 
>                     CREATE OR REPLACE
>                     DEFINER=viewmaster
>                     VIEW `hifwiktionary_p`.`pagelinks`
>                     AS SELECT * FROM `hifwiktionary`.`pagelinks`;
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,666 DEBUG Skipping full view page_assessments on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,672 DEBUG Skipping full view page_assessments_projects on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,673 INFO [page_props] 
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,674 DEBUG SQL: 
>                     CREATE OR REPLACE
>                     DEFINER=viewmaster
>                     VIEW `hifwiktionary_p`.`page_props`
>                     AS SELECT * FROM `hifwiktionary`.`page_props`;
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,677 INFO [page_restrictions] 
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,678 DEBUG SQL: 
>                     CREATE OR REPLACE
>                     DEFINER=viewmaster
>                     VIEW `hifwiktionary_p`.`page_restrictions`
>                     AS SELECT * FROM `hifwiktionary`.`page_restrictions`;
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,689 DEBUG Skipping full view pagetriage_log on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,690 DEBUG Skipping full view pagetriage_page on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,692 DEBUG Skipping full view pagetriage_page_tags on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,693 DEBUG Skipping full view pagetriage_tags on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,695 DEBUG Skipping full view pif_edits on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,696 INFO [protected_titles] 
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,699 DEBUG SQL: 
>                     CREATE OR REPLACE
>                     DEFINER=viewmaster
>                     VIEW `hifwiktionary_p`.`protected_titles`
>                     AS SELECT * FROM `hifwiktionary`.`protected_titles`;
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,733 DEBUG Skipping full view pr_index on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,735 INFO [redirect] 
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,737 DEBUG SQL: 
>                     CREATE OR REPLACE
>                     DEFINER=viewmaster
>                     VIEW `hifwiktionary_p`.`redirect`
>                     AS SELECT * FROM `hifwiktionary`.`redirect`;
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,760 DEBUG Skipping full view renameuser_status on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,762 INFO [site_identifiers] 
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,764 DEBUG SQL: 
>                     CREATE OR REPLACE
>                     DEFINER=viewmaster
>                     VIEW `hifwiktionary_p`.`site_identifiers`
>                     AS SELECT * FROM `hifwiktionary`.`site_identifiers`;
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,793 INFO [sites] 
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,795 DEBUG SQL: 
>                     CREATE OR REPLACE
>                     DEFINER=viewmaster
>                     VIEW `hifwiktionary_p`.`sites`
>                     AS SELECT * FROM `hifwiktionary`.`sites`;
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,823 INFO [site_stats] 
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,825 DEBUG SQL: 
>                     CREATE OR REPLACE
>                     DEFINER=viewmaster
>                     VIEW `hifwiktionary_p`.`site_stats`
>                     AS SELECT * FROM `hifwiktionary`.`site_stats`;
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,842 INFO [tag_summary] 
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,844 DEBUG SQL: 
>                     CREATE OR REPLACE
>                     DEFINER=viewmaster
>                     VIEW `hifwiktionary_p`.`tag_summary`
>                     AS SELECT * FROM `hifwiktionary`.`tag_summary`;
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,849 INFO [templatelinks] 
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,851 DEBUG SQL: 
>                     CREATE OR REPLACE
>                     DEFINER=viewmaster
>                     VIEW `hifwiktionary_p`.`templatelinks`
>                     AS SELECT * FROM `hifwiktionary`.`templatelinks`;
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,867 INFO [transcode] 
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,869 DEBUG SQL: 
>                     CREATE OR REPLACE
>                     DEFINER=viewmaster
>                     VIEW `hifwiktionary_p`.`transcode`
>                     AS SELECT * FROM `hifwiktionary`.`transcode`;
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,896 INFO [updatelog] 
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,898 DEBUG SQL: 
>                     CREATE OR REPLACE
>                     DEFINER=viewmaster
>                     VIEW `hifwiktionary_p`.`updatelog`
>                     AS SELECT * FROM `hifwiktionary`.`updatelog`;
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,915 DEBUG Skipping full view updates on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,917 INFO [user_former_groups] 
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,918 DEBUG SQL: 
>                     CREATE OR REPLACE
>                     DEFINER=viewmaster
>                     VIEW `hifwiktionary_p`.`user_former_groups`
>                     AS SELECT * FROM `hifwiktionary`.`user_former_groups`;
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,927 INFO [user_groups] 
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,930 DEBUG SQL: 
>                     CREATE OR REPLACE
>                     DEFINER=viewmaster
>                     VIEW `hifwiktionary_p`.`user_groups`
>                     AS SELECT * FROM `hifwiktionary`.`user_groups`;
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,947 INFO [valid_tag] 
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,952 DEBUG SQL: 
>                     CREATE OR REPLACE
>                     DEFINER=viewmaster
>                     VIEW `hifwiktionary_p`.`valid_tag`
>                     AS SELECT * FROM `hifwiktionary`.`valid_tag`;
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,997 DEBUG Skipping full view wikilove_image_log on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:33:06,999 DEBUG Skipping full view wikilove_log on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:33:07,002 DEBUG Skipping full view global_group_permissions on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:33:07,006 DEBUG Skipping full view global_group_restrictions on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:33:07,008 DEBUG Skipping full view global_user_groups on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:33:07,010 INFO [globalblocks] 
> 2017-11-09 16:33:07,012 DEBUG SQL: 
>                     CREATE OR REPLACE
>                     DEFINER=viewmaster
>                     VIEW `hifwiktionary_p`.`globalblocks`
>                     AS SELECT * FROM `hifwiktionary`.`globalblocks`;
> 2017-11-09 16:33:07,028 DEBUG Skipping full view localuser on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:33:07,030 DEBUG Skipping full view wikiset on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:33:07,033 DEBUG Skipping full view wb_changes on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:33:07,037 DEBUG Skipping full view wb_changes_dispatch on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:33:07,040 DEBUG Skipping full view wb_changes_subscription on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:33:07,043 DEBUG Skipping full view wb_id_counters on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:33:07,045 DEBUG Skipping full view wb_items_per_site on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:33:07,053 DEBUG Skipping full view wb_property_info on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:33:07,055 DEBUG Skipping full view wb_terms on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:33:07,057 INFO [wbc_entity_usage] 
> 2017-11-09 16:33:07,058 DEBUG SQL: 
>                     CREATE OR REPLACE
>                     DEFINER=viewmaster
>                     VIEW `hifwiktionary_p`.`wbc_entity_usage`
>                     AS SELECT * FROM `hifwiktionary`.`wbc_entity_usage`;
> 2017-11-09 16:33:07,082 DEBUG Skipping full view wbqc_constraints on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:33:07,085 DEBUG Skipping full view wbs_propertypairs on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:33:07,095 DEBUG Skipping full view watchlist_count on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:33:07,096 INFO Custom views for hifwiktionary:
> 2017-11-09 16:33:07,100 INFO [ipblocks] 
> 2017-11-09 16:33:07,100 DEBUG SQL: 
>             CREATE OR REPLACE
>             DEFINER=viewmaster
>             VIEW `hifwiktionary_p`.`ipblocks`
>             AS select ipb_id, if(ipb_auto<>0,null,ipb_address) as ipb_address, ipb_user, ipb_by, ipb_reason, ipb_timestamp, ipb_auto, ipb_anon_only, ipb_create_account, ipb_expiry, if(ipb_auto<>0,null,ipb_range_start) as ipb_range_start, if(ipb_auto<>0,null,ipb_range_end) as ipb_range_end, ipb_enable_autoblock, ipb_deleted, ipb_block_email, ipb_by_text, ipb_allow_usertalk, ipb_parent_block_id
>             FROM `hifwiktionary`.`ipblocks`
>          WHERE ipb_deleted=0
> ;
> 2017-11-09 16:33:07,108 INFO [filearchive_userindex] 
> 2017-11-09 16:33:07,108 DEBUG SQL: 
>             CREATE OR REPLACE
>             DEFINER=viewmaster
>             VIEW `hifwiktionary_p`.`filearchive_userindex`
>             AS select fa_id, fa_name, fa_archive_name, fa_storage_group, NULL as fa_storage_key, fa_deleted_user, fa_deleted_timestamp, fa_deleted_reason, if(fa_deleted&1,null,fa_size) as fa_size, if(fa_deleted&1,null,fa_width) as fa_width, if(fa_deleted&1,null,fa_height) as fa_height, if(fa_deleted&1,null,fa_metadata) as fa_metadata, if(fa_deleted&1,null,fa_bits) as fa_bits, if(fa_deleted&1,null,fa_media_type) as fa_media_type, if(fa_deleted&1,null,fa_major_mime) as fa_major_mime, if(fa_deleted&1,null,fa_minor_mime) as fa_minor_mime, if(fa_deleted&2,null,fa_description) as fa_description, fa_user, fa_user_text, fa_timestamp, fa_deleted, if(fa_deleted&1,null,fa_sha1) as fa_sha1
>             FROM `hifwiktionary`.`filearchive`
>          WHERE (fa_deleted&4)=0
> ;
> 2017-11-09 16:33:07,129 INFO [archive_userindex] 
> 2017-11-09 16:33:07,129 DEBUG SQL: 
>             CREATE OR REPLACE
>             DEFINER=viewmaster
>             VIEW `hifwiktionary_p`.`archive_userindex`
>             AS select ar_id, ar_namespace, ar_title, NULL as ar_text, NULL as ar_comment, ar_user, ar_user_text, ar_timestamp, ar_minor_edit, ar_flags, ar_rev_id, if(ar_deleted&1,null,ar_text_id) as ar_text_id, ar_deleted, if(ar_deleted&1,null,ar_len) as ar_len, ar_page_id, ar_parent_id, if(ar_deleted&1,null,ar_sha1) as ar_sha1
>             FROM `hifwiktionary`.`archive`
>          WHERE (ar_deleted&4)=0
> ;
> 2017-11-09 16:33:07,141 INFO [oldimage_userindex] 
> 2017-11-09 16:33:07,141 DEBUG SQL: 
>             CREATE OR REPLACE
>             DEFINER=viewmaster
>             VIEW `hifwiktionary_p`.`oldimage_userindex`
>             AS select oi_name, oi_archive_name, oi_size, oi_width, oi_height, oi_bits, if(oi_deleted&2,null,oi_description) as oi_description, oi_user, oi_user_text, oi_timestamp, oi_metadata, oi_media_type, oi_major_mime, oi_minor_mime, oi_deleted, oi_sha1
>             FROM `hifwiktionary`.`oldimage`
>          WHERE (oi_deleted&4)=0
> ;
> 2017-11-09 16:33:07,263 INFO [abuse_filter] 
> 2017-11-09 16:33:07,263 DEBUG SQL: 
>             CREATE OR REPLACE
>             DEFINER=viewmaster
>             VIEW `hifwiktionary_p`.`abuse_filter`
>             AS select af_id, if(af_hidden,null,af_pattern) as af_pattern, af_user, af_user_text, af_timestamp, af_enabled, if(af_hidden,null,af_comments) as af_comments, af_public_comments, af_hidden, af_hit_count, af_throttled, af_deleted, af_actions, af_global, af_group
>             FROM `hifwiktionary`.`abuse_filter`
>         ;
> 2017-11-09 16:33:07,319 WARNING Too big for this database
> 2017-11-09 16:33:07,323 INFO [oldimage] 
> 2017-11-09 16:33:07,323 DEBUG SQL: 
>             CREATE OR REPLACE
>             DEFINER=viewmaster
>             VIEW `hifwiktionary_p`.`oldimage`
>             AS select oi_name, oi_archive_name, oi_size, oi_width, oi_height, oi_bits, if(oi_deleted&2,null,oi_description) as oi_description, if(oi_deleted&4,null,oi_user) as oi_user, if(oi_deleted&4,null,oi_user_text) as oi_user_text, oi_timestamp, oi_metadata, oi_media_type, oi_major_mime, oi_minor_mime, oi_deleted, oi_sha1
>             FROM `hifwiktionary`.`oldimage`
>         ;
> 2017-11-09 16:33:07,327 DEBUG Failed to find table mark_as_helpful in database hifwiktionary as a source for view mark_as_helpful
> 2017-11-09 16:33:07,327 DEBUG Skipping custom view mark_as_helpful on database hifwiktionary as not all sources were verified.
> Sources: mark_as_helpful
> Verified sources: []
> 2017-11-09 16:33:07,331 INFO [filearchive] 
> 2017-11-09 16:33:07,331 DEBUG SQL: 
>             CREATE OR REPLACE
>             DEFINER=viewmaster
>             VIEW `hifwiktionary_p`.`filearchive`
>             AS select fa_id, fa_name, fa_archive_name, fa_storage_group, NULL as fa_storage_key, fa_deleted_user, fa_deleted_timestamp, fa_deleted_reason, if(fa_deleted&1,null,fa_size) as fa_size, if(fa_deleted&1,null,fa_width) as fa_width, if(fa_deleted&1,null,fa_height) as fa_height, if(fa_deleted&1,null,fa_metadata) as fa_metadata, if(fa_deleted&1,null,fa_bits) as fa_bits, if(fa_deleted&1,null,fa_media_type) as fa_media_type, if(fa_deleted&1,null,fa_major_mime) as fa_major_mime, if(fa_deleted&1,null,fa_minor_mime) as fa_minor_mime, if(fa_deleted&2,null,fa_description) as fa_description, if(fa_deleted&4,null,fa_user)as fa_user, if(fa_deleted&4,null,fa_user_text) as fa_user_text, fa_timestamp, fa_deleted, if(fa_deleted&1,null,fa_sha1) as fa_sha1
>             FROM `hifwiktionary`.`filearchive`
>         ;
> 2017-11-09 16:33:07,336 DEBUG Failed to find table ep_courses in database hifwiktionary as a source for view ep_courses
> 2017-11-09 16:33:07,336 DEBUG Skipping custom view ep_courses on database hifwiktionary as not all sources were verified.
> Sources: ep_courses
> Verified sources: []
> 2017-11-09 16:33:07,340 INFO [logging_logindex] 
> 2017-11-09 16:33:07,340 DEBUG SQL: 
>             CREATE OR REPLACE
>             DEFINER=viewmaster
>             VIEW `hifwiktionary_p`.`logging_logindex`
>             AS select log_id, log_type, log_action, log_timestamp, if(log_deleted&4,null,log_user) as log_user, log_namespace, log_title, if(log_deleted&2,null,log_comment) as log_comment, if(log_deleted,null,log_params) as log_params, log_deleted, if(log_deleted&4,null,log_user_text) as log_user_text, log_page
>             FROM `hifwiktionary`.`logging`
>          WHERE (log_deleted&1)=0 and log_type IN ('abusefilter', 'articlefeedbackv5', 'block', 'campus', 'close', 'contentmodel', 'course', 'delete', 'eparticle', 'gather', 'gblblock', 'gblrename', 'gblrights', 'globalauth', 'gwtoolset', 'import', 'institution', 'instructor', 'interwiki', 'liquidthreads', 'lock', 'managetags', 'massmessage', 'merge', 'moodbar', 'move', 'mwoauthconsumer', 'newsletter', 'newusers', 'notifytranslators', 'online', 'pagelang', 'pagetranslation', 'pagetriage-curation', 'pagetriage-deletion', 'patrol', 'protect', 'renameuser', 'review', 'rights', 'stable', 'student', 'tag', 'thanks', 'timedmediahandler', 'translationreview', 'upload', 'usermerge')
> ;
> 2017-11-09 16:33:07,372 INFO [abuse_filter_log] 
> 2017-11-09 16:33:07,372 DEBUG SQL: 
>             CREATE OR REPLACE
>             DEFINER=viewmaster
>             VIEW `hifwiktionary_p`.`abuse_filter_log`
>             AS select afl_id, afl_filter, afl_user, afl_user_text, NULL as afl_ip, afl_action, afl_actions, afl_var_dump, afl_timestamp, afl_namespace, afl_title, afl_wiki, afl_deleted, afl_patrolled_by, afl_rev_id, afl_log_id
>             FROM `hifwiktionary`.`abuse_filter_log`
>         ;
> 2017-11-09 16:33:07,387 DEBUG Failed to find table globaluser in database hifwiktionary as a source for view globaluser
> 2017-11-09 16:33:07,387 DEBUG Skipping custom view globaluser on database hifwiktionary as not all sources were verified.
> Sources: globaluser
> Verified sources: []
> 2017-11-09 16:33:07,402 INFO [revision] 
> 2017-11-09 16:33:07,402 DEBUG SQL: 
>             CREATE OR REPLACE
>             DEFINER=viewmaster
>             VIEW `hifwiktionary_p`.`revision`
>             AS select rev_id, rev_page, if(rev_deleted&1,null,rev_text_id) as rev_text_id, if(rev_deleted&2,null,rev_comment) as rev_comment, if(rev_deleted&4,null,rev_user) as rev_user, if(rev_deleted&4,null,rev_user_text) as rev_user_text, rev_timestamp, rev_minor_edit, rev_deleted, if(rev_deleted&1,null,rev_len) as rev_len, rev_parent_id, if(rev_deleted&1,null,rev_sha1) as rev_sha1, rev_content_model, rev_content_format
>             FROM `hifwiktionary`.`revision`
>         ;
> 2017-11-09 16:33:07,439 INFO [ip_changes] 
> 2017-11-09 16:33:07,439 DEBUG SQL: 
>             CREATE OR REPLACE
>             DEFINER=viewmaster
>             VIEW `hifwiktionary_p`.`ip_changes`
>             AS select ipc_rev_id, ipc_rev_timestamp, ipc_hex
>             FROM `hifwiktionary`.`ip_changes`,`hifwiktionary`.`revision`
>          WHERE ipc_rev_id = rev_id AND (rev_deleted & 4) = 0
> ;
> 2017-11-09 16:33:07,453 INFO [user_properties] 
> 2017-11-09 16:33:07,453 DEBUG SQL: 
>             CREATE OR REPLACE
>             DEFINER=viewmaster
>             VIEW `hifwiktionary_p`.`user_properties`
>             AS select up_user, up_property, up_value
>             FROM `hifwiktionary`.`user_properties`
>          WHERE up_property in ( 'disablemail', 'fancysig', 'gender', 'nickname' )
> ;
> 2017-11-09 16:33:07,483 INFO [revision_userindex] 
> 2017-11-09 16:33:07,484 DEBUG SQL: 
>             CREATE OR REPLACE
>             DEFINER=viewmaster
>             VIEW `hifwiktionary_p`.`revision_userindex`
>             AS select rev_id, rev_page, if(rev_deleted&1,null,rev_text_id) as rev_text_id, if(rev_deleted&2,null,rev_comment) as rev_comment, rev_user, rev_user_text, rev_timestamp, rev_minor_edit, rev_deleted, if(rev_deleted&1,null,rev_len) as rev_len, rev_parent_id, if(rev_deleted&1,null,rev_sha1) as rev_sha1, rev_content_model, rev_content_format
>             FROM `hifwiktionary`.`revision`
>          WHERE (rev_deleted&4)=0
> ;
> 2017-11-09 16:33:07,491 INFO [ipblocks_ipindex] 
> 2017-11-09 16:33:07,491 DEBUG SQL: 
>             CREATE OR REPLACE
>             DEFINER=viewmaster
>             VIEW `hifwiktionary_p`.`ipblocks_ipindex`
>             AS select ipb_id, ipb_address, ipb_user, ipb_by, ipb_reason, ipb_timestamp, ipb_auto, ipb_anon_only, ipb_create_account, ipb_expiry, ipb_range_start, ipb_range_end, ipb_enable_autoblock, ipb_deleted, ipb_block_email, ipb_by_text, ipb_allow_usertalk, ipb_parent_block_id
>             FROM `hifwiktionary`.`ipblocks`
>          WHERE ipb_deleted=0 and ipb_auto=0
> ;
> 2017-11-09 16:33:07,497 INFO [logging] 
> 2017-11-09 16:33:07,497 DEBUG SQL: 
>             CREATE OR REPLACE
>             DEFINER=viewmaster
>             VIEW `hifwiktionary_p`.`logging`
>             AS select log_id, log_type, if(log_deleted&1,null,log_action) as log_action, log_timestamp, if(log_deleted&4,null,log_user) as log_user, if(log_deleted&1,null,log_namespace) as log_namespace, if(log_deleted&1,null,log_title) as log_title, if(log_deleted&2,null,log_comment) as log_comment, if(log_deleted,null,log_params) as log_params, log_deleted, if(log_deleted&4,null,log_user_text) as log_user_text, if(log_deleted&1,null,log_page) as log_page
>             FROM `hifwiktionary`.`logging`
>          WHERE log_type IN ('abusefilter', 'articlefeedbackv5', 'block', 'campus', 'close', 'contentmodel', 'course', 'delete', 'eparticle', 'gather', 'gblblock', 'gblrename', 'gblrights', 'globalauth', 'gwtoolset', 'import', 'institution', 'instructor', 'interwiki', 'liquidthreads', 'lock', 'managetags', 'massmessage', 'merge', 'moodbar', 'move', 'mwoauthconsumer', 'newsletter', 'newusers', 'notifytranslators', 'online', 'pagelang', 'pagetranslation', 'pagetriage-curation', 'pagetriage-deletion', 'patrol', 'protect', 'renameuser', 'review', 'rights', 'stable', 'student', 'tag', 'thanks', 'timedmediahandler', 'translationreview', 'upload', 'usermerge')
> ;
> 2017-11-09 16:33:07,504 INFO [recentchanges] 
> 2017-11-09 16:33:07,504 DEBUG SQL: 
>             CREATE OR REPLACE
>             DEFINER=viewmaster
>             VIEW `hifwiktionary_p`.`recentchanges`
>             AS select rc_id, rc_timestamp, if(rc_deleted&4,null,rc_user) as rc_user, if(rc_deleted&4,null,rc_user_text) as rc_user_text, rc_namespace, rc_title, if(rc_deleted&2,null,rc_comment) as rc_comment, rc_minor, rc_bot, rc_new, rc_cur_id, rc_this_oldid, rc_last_oldid, rc_type, rc_source, rc_patrolled, null as rc_ip, rc_old_len, rc_new_len, rc_deleted, rc_logid, rc_log_type, rc_log_action, rc_params
>             FROM `hifwiktionary`.`recentchanges`
>         ;
> 2017-11-09 16:33:07,510 INFO [user] 
> 2017-11-09 16:33:07,511 DEBUG SQL: 
>             CREATE OR REPLACE
>             DEFINER=viewmaster
>             VIEW `hifwiktionary_p`.`user`
>             AS select user_id, user_name, user_real_name, NULL as user_password, NULL as user_newpassword, NULL as user_email, NULL as user_options, NULL as user_touched, NULL as user_token, NULL as user_email_authenticated, NULL as user_email_token, NULL as user_email_token_expires, user_registration, NULL as user_newpass_time, user_editcount, NULL as user_password_expires
>             FROM `hifwiktionary`.`user`
>         ;
> 2017-11-09 16:33:07,553 INFO [logging_userindex] 
> 2017-11-09 16:33:07,553 DEBUG SQL: 
>             CREATE OR REPLACE
>             DEFINER=viewmaster
>             VIEW `hifwiktionary_p`.`logging_userindex`
>             AS select log_id, log_type, if(log_deleted&1,null,log_action) as log_action, log_timestamp, log_user, if(log_deleted&1,null,log_namespace) as log_namespace, if(log_deleted&1,null,log_title) as log_title, if(log_deleted&2,null,log_comment) as log_comment, if(log_deleted,null,log_params) as log_params, log_deleted, log_user_text as log_user_text, if(log_deleted&1,null,log_page) as log_page
>             FROM `hifwiktionary`.`logging`
>          WHERE (log_deleted&4)=0 and log_type IN ('abusefilter', 'articlefeedbackv5', 'block', 'campus', 'close', 'contentmodel', 'course', 'delete', 'eparticle', 'gather', 'gblblock', 'gblrename', 'gblrights', 'globalauth', 'gwtoolset', 'import', 'institution', 'instructor', 'interwiki', 'liquidthreads', 'lock', 'managetags', 'massmessage', 'merge', 'moodbar', 'move', 'mwoauthconsumer', 'newsletter', 'newusers', 'notifytranslators', 'online', 'pagelang', 'pagetranslation', 'pagetriage-curation', 'pagetriage-deletion', 'patrol', 'protect', 'renameuser', 'review', 'rights', 'stable', 'student', 'tag', 'thanks', 'timedmediahandler', 'translationreview', 'upload', 'usermerge')
> ;
> 2017-11-09 16:33:07,564 INFO [archive] 
> 2017-11-09 16:33:07,565 DEBUG SQL: 
>             CREATE OR REPLACE
>             DEFINER=viewmaster
>             VIEW `hifwiktionary_p`.`archive`
>             AS select ar_id, ar_namespace, ar_title, NULL as ar_text, NULL as ar_comment, if(ar_deleted&4,null,ar_user) as ar_user, if(ar_deleted&4,null,ar_user_text) as ar_user_text, ar_timestamp, ar_minor_edit, ar_flags, ar_rev_id, if(ar_deleted&1,null,ar_text_id) as ar_text_id, ar_deleted, if(ar_deleted&1,null,ar_len) as ar_len, ar_page_id, ar_parent_id, if(ar_deleted&1,null,ar_sha1) as ar_sha1
>             FROM `hifwiktionary`.`archive`
>         ;
> 2017-11-09 16:33:07,569 DEBUG Failed to find table user_old in database hifwiktionary as a source for view user_old
> 2017-11-09 16:33:07,570 DEBUG Skipping custom view user_old on database hifwiktionary as not all sources were verified.
> Sources: user_old
> Verified sources: []
> 2017-11-09 16:33:07,574 INFO [recentchanges_userindex] 
> 2017-11-09 16:33:07,574 DEBUG SQL: 
>             CREATE OR REPLACE
>             DEFINER=viewmaster
>             VIEW `hifwiktionary_p`.`recentchanges_userindex`
>             AS select rc_id, rc_timestamp, rc_user, rc_user_text, rc_namespace, rc_title, if(rc_deleted&2,null,rc_comment) as rc_comment, rc_minor, rc_bot, rc_new, rc_cur_id, rc_this_oldid, rc_last_oldid, rc_type, rc_source, rc_patrolled, null as rc_ip, rc_old_len, rc_new_len, rc_deleted, rc_logid, rc_log_type, rc_log_action, rc_params
>             FROM `hifwiktionary`.`recentchanges`
>          WHERE (rc_deleted&4)=0


aborrero@labsdb1003:~$ /usr/local/sbin/maintain-meta_p --mysql-socket /tmp/mysql.sock --databases hifwiktionary
2017-11-09 16:41:36,041 INFO Starting new HTTPS connection (1):


> aborrero@labsdb1009:~$ /usr/local/sbin/maintain-views --databases hifwiktionary --debug
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,139 DEBUG Removing 0 dbs as sensitive
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,182 DEBUG SQL: CREATE DATABASE `hifwiktionary_p`;
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,183 INFO Full views for hifwiktionary:
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,186 INFO [abuse_filter_action] 
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,187 DEBUG SQL: 
>                     CREATE OR REPLACE
>                     DEFINER=viewmaster
>                     VIEW `hifwiktionary_p`.`abuse_filter_action`
>                     AS SELECT * FROM `hifwiktionary`.`abuse_filter_action`;
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,192 DEBUG Skipping full view article_assessment on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,193 DEBUG Skipping full view article_assessment_pages on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,195 DEBUG Skipping full view article_assessment_ratings on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,197 DEBUG Skipping full view article_feedback on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,199 DEBUG Skipping full view article_feedback_pages on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,201 DEBUG Skipping full view article_feedback_properties on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,204 DEBUG Skipping full view article_feedback_ratings on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,205 DEBUG Skipping full view article_feedback_revisions on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,206 DEBUG Skipping full view article_feedback_stats on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,208 DEBUG Skipping full view article_feedback_stats_types on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,210 INFO [babel] 
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,210 DEBUG SQL: 
>                     CREATE OR REPLACE
>                     DEFINER=viewmaster
>                     VIEW `hifwiktionary_p`.`babel`
>                     AS SELECT * FROM `hifwiktionary`.`babel`;
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,244 INFO [category] 
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,244 DEBUG SQL: 
>                     CREATE OR REPLACE
>                     DEFINER=viewmaster
>                     VIEW `hifwiktionary_p`.`category`
>                     AS SELECT * FROM `hifwiktionary`.`category`;
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,248 INFO [categorylinks] 
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,249 DEBUG SQL: 
>                     CREATE OR REPLACE
>                     DEFINER=viewmaster
>                     VIEW `hifwiktionary_p`.`categorylinks`
>                     AS SELECT * FROM `hifwiktionary`.`categorylinks`;
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,283 INFO [change_tag] 
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,284 DEBUG SQL: 
>                     CREATE OR REPLACE
>                     DEFINER=viewmaster
>                     VIEW `hifwiktionary_p`.`change_tag`
>                     AS SELECT * FROM `hifwiktionary`.`change_tag`;
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,289 DEBUG Skipping full view cn_assignments on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,291 DEBUG Skipping full view cn_known_devices on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,293 DEBUG Skipping full view cn_known_mobile_carriers on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,294 DEBUG Skipping full view cn_notice_countries on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,296 DEBUG Skipping full view cn_notice_languages on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,297 DEBUG Skipping full view cn_notice_log on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,299 DEBUG Skipping full view cn_notice_mixin_params on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,300 DEBUG Skipping full view cn_notice_mixins on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,302 DEBUG Skipping full view cn_notice_mobile_carriers on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,303 DEBUG Skipping full view cn_notice_projects on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,305 DEBUG Skipping full view cn_notices on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,306 DEBUG Skipping full view cn_template_devices on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,308 DEBUG Skipping full view cn_template_log on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,309 DEBUG Skipping full view cn_template_mixins on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,310 DEBUG Skipping full view cn_templates on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,312 DEBUG Skipping full view ep_articles on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,313 DEBUG Skipping full view ep_cas on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,314 DEBUG Skipping full view ep_events on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,316 DEBUG Skipping full view ep_instructors on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,317 DEBUG Skipping full view ep_oas on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,319 DEBUG Skipping full view ep_orgs on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,320 DEBUG Skipping full view ep_revisions on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,322 DEBUG Skipping full view ep_students on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,323 DEBUG Skipping full view ep_users_per_course on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,324 INFO [externallinks] 
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,325 DEBUG SQL: 
>                     CREATE OR REPLACE
>                     DEFINER=viewmaster
>                     VIEW `hifwiktionary_p`.`externallinks`
>                     AS SELECT * FROM `hifwiktionary`.`externallinks`;
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,360 DEBUG Skipping full view flaggedimages on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,362 DEBUG Skipping full view flaggedpage_config on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,364 DEBUG Skipping full view flaggedpage_pending on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,365 DEBUG Skipping full view flaggedpages on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,366 DEBUG Skipping full view flaggedrevs on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,367 DEBUG Skipping full view flaggedrevs_promote on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,368 DEBUG Skipping full view flaggedrevs_statistics on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,369 DEBUG Skipping full view flaggedrevs_stats on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,370 DEBUG Skipping full view flaggedrevs_stats2 on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,371 DEBUG Skipping full view flaggedrevs_tracking on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,372 DEBUG Skipping full view flaggedtemplates on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,374 DEBUG Skipping full view geo_killlist on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,375 INFO [geo_tags] 
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,376 DEBUG SQL: 
>                     CREATE OR REPLACE
>                     DEFINER=viewmaster
>                     VIEW `hifwiktionary_p`.`geo_tags`
>                     AS SELECT * FROM `hifwiktionary`.`geo_tags`;
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,381 DEBUG Skipping full view geo_updates on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,383 DEBUG Skipping full view globalimagelinks on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,385 INFO [global_block_whitelist] 
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,385 DEBUG SQL: 
>                     CREATE OR REPLACE
>                     DEFINER=viewmaster
>                     VIEW `hifwiktionary_p`.`global_block_whitelist`
>                     AS SELECT * FROM `hifwiktionary`.`global_block_whitelist`;
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,422 DEBUG Skipping full view hashs on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,424 INFO [image] 
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,425 DEBUG SQL: 
>                     CREATE OR REPLACE
>                     DEFINER=viewmaster
>                     VIEW `hifwiktionary_p`.`image`
>                     AS SELECT * FROM `hifwiktionary`.`image`;
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,429 INFO [imagelinks] 
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,430 DEBUG SQL: 
>                     CREATE OR REPLACE
>                     DEFINER=viewmaster
>                     VIEW `hifwiktionary_p`.`imagelinks`
>                     AS SELECT * FROM `hifwiktionary`.`imagelinks`;
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,464 DEBUG Skipping full view imagelinks_old on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,466 INFO [interwiki] 
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,467 DEBUG SQL: 
>                     CREATE OR REPLACE
>                     DEFINER=viewmaster
>                     VIEW `hifwiktionary_p`.`interwiki`
>                     AS SELECT * FROM `hifwiktionary`.`interwiki`;
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,471 INFO [iwlinks] 
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,472 DEBUG SQL: 
>                     CREATE OR REPLACE
>                     DEFINER=viewmaster
>                     VIEW `hifwiktionary_p`.`iwlinks`
>                     AS SELECT * FROM `hifwiktionary`.`iwlinks`;
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,506 INFO [l10n_cache] 
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,507 DEBUG SQL: 
>                     CREATE OR REPLACE
>                     DEFINER=viewmaster
>                     VIEW `hifwiktionary_p`.`l10n_cache`
>                     AS SELECT * FROM `hifwiktionary`.`l10n_cache`;
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,541 INFO [langlinks] 
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,542 DEBUG SQL: 
>                     CREATE OR REPLACE
>                     DEFINER=viewmaster
>                     VIEW `hifwiktionary_p`.`langlinks`
>                     AS SELECT * FROM `hifwiktionary`.`langlinks`;
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,547 DEBUG Skipping full view links on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,549 INFO [linter] 
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,550 DEBUG SQL: 
>                     CREATE OR REPLACE
>                     DEFINER=viewmaster
>                     VIEW `hifwiktionary_p`.`linter`
>                     AS SELECT * FROM `hifwiktionary`.`linter`;
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,584 DEBUG Skipping full view localisation on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,586 DEBUG Skipping full view localisation_file_hash on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,587 INFO [math] 
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,588 DEBUG SQL: 
>                     CREATE OR REPLACE
>                     DEFINER=viewmaster
>                     VIEW `hifwiktionary_p`.`math`
>                     AS SELECT * FROM `hifwiktionary`.`math`;
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,595 INFO [module_deps] 
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,596 DEBUG SQL: 
>                     CREATE OR REPLACE
>                     DEFINER=viewmaster
>                     VIEW `hifwiktionary_p`.`module_deps`
>                     AS SELECT * FROM `hifwiktionary`.`module_deps`;
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,627 DEBUG Skipping full view msg_resource_links on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,629 DEBUG Skipping full view namespaces on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,632 DEBUG Skipping full view ores_classification on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,634 DEBUG Skipping full view ores_model on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,636 INFO [page] 
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,637 DEBUG SQL: 
>                     CREATE OR REPLACE
>                     DEFINER=viewmaster
>                     VIEW `hifwiktionary_p`.`page`
>                     AS SELECT * FROM `hifwiktionary`.`page`;
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,640 DEBUG Skipping full view page_broken on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,642 INFO [pagelinks] 
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,642 DEBUG SQL: 
>                     CREATE OR REPLACE
>                     DEFINER=viewmaster
>                     VIEW `hifwiktionary_p`.`pagelinks`
>                     AS SELECT * FROM `hifwiktionary`.`pagelinks`;
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,678 DEBUG Skipping full view page_assessments on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,680 DEBUG Skipping full view page_assessments_projects on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,683 INFO [page_props] 
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,684 DEBUG SQL: 
>                     CREATE OR REPLACE
>                     DEFINER=viewmaster
>                     VIEW `hifwiktionary_p`.`page_props`
>                     AS SELECT * FROM `hifwiktionary`.`page_props`;
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,717 INFO [page_restrictions] 
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,718 DEBUG SQL: 
>                     CREATE OR REPLACE
>                     DEFINER=viewmaster
>                     VIEW `hifwiktionary_p`.`page_restrictions`
>                     AS SELECT * FROM `hifwiktionary`.`page_restrictions`;
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,753 DEBUG Skipping full view pagetriage_log on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,755 DEBUG Skipping full view pagetriage_page on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,757 DEBUG Skipping full view pagetriage_page_tags on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,758 DEBUG Skipping full view pagetriage_tags on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,760 DEBUG Skipping full view pif_edits on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,762 INFO [protected_titles] 
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,763 DEBUG SQL: 
>                     CREATE OR REPLACE
>                     DEFINER=viewmaster
>                     VIEW `hifwiktionary_p`.`protected_titles`
>                     AS SELECT * FROM `hifwiktionary`.`protected_titles`;
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,766 DEBUG Skipping full view pr_index on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,769 INFO [redirect] 
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,770 DEBUG SQL: 
>                     CREATE OR REPLACE
>                     DEFINER=viewmaster
>                     VIEW `hifwiktionary_p`.`redirect`
>                     AS SELECT * FROM `hifwiktionary`.`redirect`;
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,804 DEBUG Skipping full view renameuser_status on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,806 INFO [site_identifiers] 
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,807 DEBUG SQL: 
>                     CREATE OR REPLACE
>                     DEFINER=viewmaster
>                     VIEW `hifwiktionary_p`.`site_identifiers`
>                     AS SELECT * FROM `hifwiktionary`.`site_identifiers`;
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,811 INFO [sites] 
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,812 DEBUG SQL: 
>                     CREATE OR REPLACE
>                     DEFINER=viewmaster
>                     VIEW `hifwiktionary_p`.`sites`
>                     AS SELECT * FROM `hifwiktionary`.`sites`;
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,848 INFO [site_stats] 
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,850 DEBUG SQL: 
>                     CREATE OR REPLACE
>                     DEFINER=viewmaster
>                     VIEW `hifwiktionary_p`.`site_stats`
>                     AS SELECT * FROM `hifwiktionary`.`site_stats`;
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,854 INFO [tag_summary] 
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,856 DEBUG SQL: 
>                     CREATE OR REPLACE
>                     DEFINER=viewmaster
>                     VIEW `hifwiktionary_p`.`tag_summary`
>                     AS SELECT * FROM `hifwiktionary`.`tag_summary`;
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,892 INFO [templatelinks] 
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,893 DEBUG SQL: 
>                     CREATE OR REPLACE
>                     DEFINER=viewmaster
>                     VIEW `hifwiktionary_p`.`templatelinks`
>                     AS SELECT * FROM `hifwiktionary`.`templatelinks`;
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,928 INFO [transcode] 
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,930 DEBUG SQL: 
>                     CREATE OR REPLACE
>                     DEFINER=viewmaster
>                     VIEW `hifwiktionary_p`.`transcode`
>                     AS SELECT * FROM `hifwiktionary`.`transcode`;
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,934 INFO [updatelog] 
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,935 DEBUG SQL: 
>                     CREATE OR REPLACE
>                     DEFINER=viewmaster
>                     VIEW `hifwiktionary_p`.`updatelog`
>                     AS SELECT * FROM `hifwiktionary`.`updatelog`;
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,966 DEBUG Skipping full view updates on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,968 INFO [user_former_groups] 
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,970 DEBUG SQL: 
>                     CREATE OR REPLACE
>                     DEFINER=viewmaster
>                     VIEW `hifwiktionary_p`.`user_former_groups`
>                     AS SELECT * FROM `hifwiktionary`.`user_former_groups`;
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,974 INFO [user_groups] 
> 2017-11-09 16:43:15,976 DEBUG SQL: 
>                     CREATE OR REPLACE
>                     DEFINER=viewmaster
>                     VIEW `hifwiktionary_p`.`user_groups`
>                     AS SELECT * FROM `hifwiktionary`.`user_groups`;
> 2017-11-09 16:43:16,007 INFO [valid_tag] 
> 2017-11-09 16:43:16,009 DEBUG SQL: 
>                     CREATE OR REPLACE
>                     DEFINER=viewmaster
>                     VIEW `hifwiktionary_p`.`valid_tag`
>                     AS SELECT * FROM `hifwiktionary`.`valid_tag`;
> 2017-11-09 16:43:16,013 DEBUG Skipping full view wikilove_image_log on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:43:16,015 DEBUG Skipping full view wikilove_log on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:43:16,018 DEBUG Skipping full view global_group_permissions on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:43:16,021 DEBUG Skipping full view global_group_restrictions on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:43:16,023 DEBUG Skipping full view global_user_groups on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:43:16,026 INFO [globalblocks] 
> 2017-11-09 16:43:16,027 DEBUG SQL: 
>                     CREATE OR REPLACE
>                     DEFINER=viewmaster
>                     VIEW `hifwiktionary_p`.`globalblocks`
>                     AS SELECT * FROM `hifwiktionary`.`globalblocks`;
> 2017-11-09 16:43:16,061 DEBUG Skipping full view localuser on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:43:16,063 DEBUG Skipping full view wikiset on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:43:16,065 DEBUG Skipping full view wb_changes on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:43:16,067 DEBUG Skipping full view wb_changes_dispatch on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:43:16,069 DEBUG Skipping full view wb_changes_subscription on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:43:16,071 DEBUG Skipping full view wb_id_counters on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:43:16,073 DEBUG Skipping full view wb_items_per_site on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:43:16,075 DEBUG Skipping full view wb_property_info on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:43:16,076 DEBUG Skipping full view wb_terms on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:43:16,077 INFO [wbc_entity_usage] 
> 2017-11-09 16:43:16,079 DEBUG SQL: 
>                     CREATE OR REPLACE
>                     DEFINER=viewmaster
>                     VIEW `hifwiktionary_p`.`wbc_entity_usage`
>                     AS SELECT * FROM `hifwiktionary`.`wbc_entity_usage`;
> 2017-11-09 16:43:16,111 DEBUG Skipping full view wbqc_constraints on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:43:16,112 DEBUG Skipping full view wbs_propertypairs on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:43:16,113 DEBUG Skipping full view watchlist_count on database hifwiktionary as the table does not seem to exist.
> 2017-11-09 16:43:16,113 INFO Custom views for hifwiktionary:
> 2017-11-09 16:43:16,115 DEBUG Failed to find table mark_as_helpful in database hifwiktionary as a source for view mark_as_helpful
> 2017-11-09 16:43:16,115 DEBUG Skipping custom view mark_as_helpful on database hifwiktionary as not all sources were verified.
> Sources: mark_as_helpful
> Verified sources: []
> 2017-11-09 16:43:16,117 DEBUG Failed to find table globaluser in database hifwiktionary as a source for view globaluser
> 2017-11-09 16:43:16,117 DEBUG Skipping custom view globaluser on database hifwiktionary as not all sources were verified.
> Sources: globaluser
> Verified sources: []
> 2017-11-09 16:43:16,121 INFO [recentchanges] 
> 2017-11-09 16:43:16,121 DEBUG SQL: 
>             CREATE OR REPLACE
>             DEFINER=viewmaster
>             VIEW `hifwiktionary_p`.`recentchanges`
>             AS select rc_id, rc_timestamp, if(rc_deleted&4,null,rc_user) as rc_user, if(rc_deleted&4,null,rc_user_text) as rc_user_text, rc_namespace, rc_title, if(rc_deleted&2,null,rc_comment) as rc_comment, rc_minor, rc_bot, rc_new, rc_cur_id, rc_this_oldid, rc_last_oldid, rc_type, rc_source, rc_patrolled, null as rc_ip, rc_old_len, rc_new_len, rc_deleted, rc_logid, rc_log_type, rc_log_action, rc_params
>             FROM `hifwiktionary`.`recentchanges`
>         ;
> 2017-11-09 16:43:16,127 INFO [archive] 
> 2017-11-09 16:43:16,127 DEBUG SQL: 
>             CREATE OR REPLACE
>             DEFINER=viewmaster
>             VIEW `hifwiktionary_p`.`archive`
>             AS select ar_id, ar_namespace, ar_title, NULL as ar_text, NULL as ar_comment, if(ar_deleted&4,null,ar_user) as ar_user, if(ar_deleted&4,null,ar_user_text) as ar_user_text, ar_timestamp, ar_minor_edit, ar_flags, ar_rev_id, if(ar_deleted&1,null,ar_text_id) as ar_text_id, ar_deleted, if(ar_deleted&1,null,ar_len) as ar_len, ar_page_id, ar_parent_id, if(ar_deleted&1,null,ar_sha1) as ar_sha1
>             FROM `hifwiktionary`.`archive`
>         ;
> 2017-11-09 16:43:16,169 INFO [ip_changes] 
> 2017-11-09 16:43:16,169 DEBUG SQL: 
>             CREATE OR REPLACE
>             DEFINER=viewmaster
>             VIEW `hifwiktionary_p`.`ip_changes`
>             AS select ipc_rev_id, ipc_rev_timestamp, ipc_hex
>             FROM `hifwiktionary`.`ip_changes`,`hifwiktionary`.`revision`
>          WHERE ipc_rev_id = rev_id AND (rev_deleted & 4) = 0
> ;
> 2017-11-09 16:43:16,202 INFO [abuse_filter_log] 
> 2017-11-09 16:43:16,202 DEBUG SQL: 
>             CREATE OR REPLACE
>             DEFINER=viewmaster
>             VIEW `hifwiktionary_p`.`abuse_filter_log`
>             AS select afl_id, afl_filter, afl_user, afl_user_text, NULL as afl_ip, afl_action, afl_actions, afl_var_dump, afl_timestamp, afl_namespace, afl_title, afl_wiki, afl_deleted, afl_patrolled_by, afl_rev_id, afl_log_id
>             FROM `hifwiktionary`.`abuse_filter_log`
>         ;
> 2017-11-09 16:43:16,235 INFO [logging_logindex] 
> 2017-11-09 16:43:16,236 DEBUG SQL: 
>             CREATE OR REPLACE
>             DEFINER=viewmaster
>             VIEW `hifwiktionary_p`.`logging_logindex`
>             AS select log_id, log_type, log_action, log_timestamp, if(log_deleted&4,null,log_user) as log_user, log_namespace, log_title, if(log_deleted&2,null,log_comment) as log_comment, if(log_deleted,null,log_params) as log_params, log_deleted, if(log_deleted&4,null,log_user_text) as log_user_text, log_page
>             FROM `hifwiktionary`.`logging`
>          WHERE (log_deleted&1)=0 and log_type IN ('abusefilter', 'articlefeedbackv5', 'block', 'campus', 'close', 'contentmodel', 'course', 'delete', 'eparticle', 'gather', 'gblblock', 'gblrename', 'gblrights', 'globalauth', 'gwtoolset', 'import', 'institution', 'instructor', 'interwiki', 'liquidthreads', 'lock', 'managetags', 'massmessage', 'merge', 'moodbar', 'move', 'mwoauthconsumer', 'newsletter', 'newusers', 'notifytranslators', 'online', 'pagelang', 'pagetranslation', 'pagetriage-curation', 'pagetriage-deletion', 'patrol', 'protect', 'renameuser', 'review', 'rights', 'stable', 'student', 'tag', 'thanks', 'timedmediahandler', 'translationreview', 'upload', 'usermerge')
> ;
> 2017-11-09 16:43:16,241 INFO [filearchive_userindex] 
> 2017-11-09 16:43:16,241 DEBUG SQL: 
>             CREATE OR REPLACE
>             DEFINER=viewmaster
>             VIEW `hifwiktionary_p`.`filearchive_userindex`
>             AS select fa_id, fa_name, fa_archive_name, fa_storage_group, NULL as fa_storage_key, fa_deleted_user, fa_deleted_timestamp, fa_deleted_reason, if(fa_deleted&1,null,fa_size) as fa_size, if(fa_deleted&1,null,fa_width) as fa_width, if(fa_deleted&1,null,fa_height) as fa_height, if(fa_deleted&1,null,fa_metadata) as fa_metadata, if(fa_deleted&1,null,fa_bits) as fa_bits, if(fa_deleted&1,null,fa_media_type) as fa_media_type, if(fa_deleted&1,null,fa_major_mime) as fa_major_mime, if(fa_deleted&1,null,fa_minor_mime) as fa_minor_mime, if(fa_deleted&2,null,fa_description) as fa_description, fa_user, fa_user_text, fa_timestamp, fa_deleted, if(fa_deleted&1,null,fa_sha1) as fa_sha1
>             FROM `hifwiktionary`.`filearchive`
>          WHERE (fa_deleted&4)=0
> ;
> 2017-11-09 16:43:16,282 INFO [ipblocks_ipindex] 
> 2017-11-09 16:43:16,282 DEBUG SQL: 
>             CREATE OR REPLACE
>             DEFINER=viewmaster
>             VIEW `hifwiktionary_p`.`ipblocks_ipindex`
>             AS select ipb_id, ipb_address, ipb_user, ipb_by, ipb_reason, ipb_timestamp, ipb_auto, ipb_anon_only, ipb_create_account, ipb_expiry, ipb_range_start, ipb_range_end, ipb_enable_autoblock, ipb_deleted, ipb_block_email, ipb_by_text, ipb_allow_usertalk, ipb_parent_block_id
>             FROM `hifwiktionary`.`ipblocks`
>          WHERE ipb_deleted=0 and ipb_auto=0
> ;
> 2017-11-09 16:43:16,321 INFO [logging_userindex] 
> 2017-11-09 16:43:16,321 DEBUG SQL: 
>             CREATE OR REPLACE
>             DEFINER=viewmaster
>             VIEW `hifwiktionary_p`.`logging_userindex`
>             AS select log_id, log_type, if(log_deleted&1,null,log_action) as log_action, log_timestamp, log_user, if(log_deleted&1,null,log_namespace) as log_namespace, if(log_deleted&1,null,log_title) as log_title, if(log_deleted&2,null,log_comment) as log_comment, if(log_deleted,null,log_params) as log_params, log_deleted, log_user_text as log_user_text, if(log_deleted&1,null,log_page) as log_page
>             FROM `hifwiktionary`.`logging`
>          WHERE (log_deleted&4)=0 and log_type IN ('abusefilter', 'articlefeedbackv5', 'block', 'campus', 'close', 'contentmodel', 'course', 'delete', 'eparticle', 'gather', 'gblblock', 'gblrename', 'gblrights', 'globalauth', 'gwtoolset', 'import', 'institution', 'instructor', 'interwiki', 'liquidthreads', 'lock', 'managetags', 'massmessage', 'merge', 'moodbar', 'move', 'mwoauthconsumer', 'newsletter', 'newusers', 'notifytranslators', 'online', 'pagelang', 'pagetranslation', 'pagetriage-curation', 'pagetriage-deletion', 'patrol', 'protect', 'renameuser', 'review', 'rights', 'stable', 'student', 'tag', 'thanks', 'timedmediahandler', 'translationreview', 'upload', 'usermerge')
> ;
> 2017-11-09 16:43:16,326 INFO [abuse_filter] 
> 2017-11-09 16:43:16,326 DEBUG SQL: 
>             CREATE OR REPLACE
>             DEFINER=viewmaster
>             VIEW `hifwiktionary_p`.`abuse_filter`
>             AS select af_id, if(af_hidden,null,af_pattern) as af_pattern, af_user, af_user_text, af_timestamp, af_enabled, if(af_hidden,null,af_comments) as af_comments, af_public_comments, af_hidden, af_hit_count, af_throttled, af_deleted, af_actions, af_global, af_group
>             FROM `hifwiktionary`.`abuse_filter`
>         ;
> 2017-11-09 16:43:16,332 INFO [filearchive] 
> 2017-11-09 16:43:16,332 DEBUG SQL: 
>             CREATE OR REPLACE
>             DEFINER=viewmaster
>             VIEW `hifwiktionary_p`.`filearchive`
>             AS select fa_id, fa_name, fa_archive_name, fa_storage_group, NULL as fa_storage_key, fa_deleted_user, fa_deleted_timestamp, fa_deleted_reason, if(fa_deleted&1,null,fa_size) as fa_size, if(fa_deleted&1,null,fa_width) as fa_width, if(fa_deleted&1,null,fa_height) as fa_height, if(fa_deleted&1,null,fa_metadata) as fa_metadata, if(fa_deleted&1,null,fa_bits) as fa_bits, if(fa_deleted&1,null,fa_media_type) as fa_media_type, if(fa_deleted&1,null,fa_major_mime) as fa_major_mime, if(fa_deleted&1,null,fa_minor_mime) as fa_minor_mime, if(fa_deleted&2,null,fa_description) as fa_description, if(fa_deleted&4,null,fa_user)as fa_user, if(fa_deleted&4,null,fa_user_text) as fa_user_text, fa_timestamp, fa_deleted, if(fa_deleted&1,null,fa_sha1) as fa_sha1
>             FROM `hifwiktionary`.`filearchive`
>         ;
> 2017-11-09 16:43:16,337 INFO [revision] 
> 2017-11-09 16:43:16,337 DEBUG SQL: 
>             CREATE OR REPLACE
>             DEFINER=viewmaster
>             VIEW `hifwiktionary_p`.`revision`
>             AS select rev_id, rev_page, if(rev_deleted&1,null,rev_text_id) as rev_text_id, if(rev_deleted&2,null,rev_comment) as rev_comment, if(rev_deleted&4,null,rev_user) as rev_user, if(rev_deleted&4,null,rev_user_text) as rev_user_text, rev_timestamp, rev_minor_edit, rev_deleted, if(rev_deleted&1,null,rev_len) as rev_len, rev_parent_id, if(rev_deleted&1,null,rev_sha1) as rev_sha1, rev_content_model, rev_content_format
>             FROM `hifwiktionary`.`revision`
>         ;
> 2017-11-09 16:43:16,338 WARNING Too big for this database
> 2017-11-09 16:43:16,342 INFO [oldimage] 
> 2017-11-09 16:43:16,342 DEBUG SQL: 
>             CREATE OR REPLACE
>             DEFINER=viewmaster
>             VIEW `hifwiktionary_p`.`oldimage`
>             AS select oi_name, oi_archive_name, oi_size, oi_width, oi_height, oi_bits, if(oi_deleted&2,null,oi_description) as oi_description, if(oi_deleted&4,null,oi_user) as oi_user, if(oi_deleted&4,null,oi_user_text) as oi_user_text, oi_timestamp, oi_metadata, oi_media_type, oi_major_mime, oi_minor_mime, oi_deleted, oi_sha1
>             FROM `hifwiktionary`.`oldimage`
>         ;
> 2017-11-09 16:43:16,348 INFO [logging] 
> 2017-11-09 16:43:16,348 DEBUG SQL: 
>             CREATE OR REPLACE
>             DEFINER=viewmaster
>             VIEW `hifwiktionary_p`.`logging`
>             AS select log_id, log_type, if(log_deleted&1,null,log_action) as log_action, log_timestamp, if(log_deleted&4,null,log_user) as log_user, if(log_deleted&1,null,log_namespace) as log_namespace, if(log_deleted&1,null,log_title) as log_title, if(log_deleted&2,null,log_comment) as log_comment, if(log_deleted,null,log_params) as log_params, log_deleted, if(log_deleted&4,null,log_user_text) as log_user_text, if(log_deleted&1,null,log_page) as log_page
>             FROM `hifwiktionary`.`logging`
>          WHERE log_type IN ('abusefilter', 'articlefeedbackv5', 'block', 'campus', 'close', 'contentmodel', 'course', 'delete', 'eparticle', 'gather', 'gblblock', 'gblrename', 'gblrights', 'globalauth', 'gwtoolset', 'import', 'institution', 'instructor', 'interwiki', 'liquidthreads', 'lock', 'managetags', 'massmessage', 'merge', 'moodbar', 'move', 'mwoauthconsumer', 'newsletter', 'newusers', 'notifytranslators', 'online', 'pagelang', 'pagetranslation', 'pagetriage-curation', 'pagetriage-deletion', 'patrol', 'protect', 'renameuser', 'review', 'rights', 'stable', 'student', 'tag', 'thanks', 'timedmediahandler', 'translationreview', 'upload', 'usermerge')
> ;
> 2017-11-09 16:43:16,352 INFO [recentchanges_userindex] 
> 2017-11-09 16:43:16,352 DEBUG SQL: 
>             CREATE OR REPLACE
>             DEFINER=viewmaster
>             VIEW `hifwiktionary_p`.`recentchanges_userindex`
>             AS select rc_id, rc_timestamp, rc_user, rc_user_text, rc_namespace, rc_title, if(rc_deleted&2,null,rc_comment) as rc_comment, rc_minor, rc_bot, rc_new, rc_cur_id, rc_this_oldid, rc_last_oldid, rc_type, rc_source, rc_patrolled, null as rc_ip, rc_old_len, rc_new_len, rc_deleted, rc_logid, rc_log_type, rc_log_action, rc_params
>             FROM `hifwiktionary`.`recentchanges`
>          WHERE (rc_deleted&4)=0
> ;
> 2017-11-09 16:43:16,355 DEBUG Failed to find table ep_courses in database hifwiktionary as a source for view ep_courses
> 2017-11-09 16:43:16,356 DEBUG Skipping custom view ep_courses on database hifwiktionary as not all sources were verified.
> Sources: ep_courses
> Verified sources: []
> 2017-11-09 16:43:16,359 INFO [oldimage_userindex] 
> 2017-11-09 16:43:16,359 DEBUG SQL: 
>             CREATE OR REPLACE
>             DEFINER=viewmaster
>             VIEW `hifwiktionary_p`.`oldimage_userindex`
>             AS select oi_name, oi_archive_name, oi_size, oi_width, oi_height, oi_bits, if(oi_deleted&2,null,oi_description) as oi_description, oi_user, oi_user_text, oi_timestamp, oi_metadata, oi_media_type, oi_major_mime, oi_minor_mime, oi_deleted, oi_sha1
>             FROM `hifwiktionary`.`oldimage`
>          WHERE (oi_deleted&4)=0
> ;
> 2017-11-09 16:43:16,362 DEBUG Failed to find table user_old in database hifwiktionary as a source for view user_old
> 2017-11-09 16:43:16,362 DEBUG Skipping custom view user_old on database hifwiktionary as not all sources were verified.
> Sources: user_old
> Verified sources: []
> 2017-11-09 16:43:16,366 INFO [ipblocks] 
> 2017-11-09 16:43:16,366 DEBUG SQL: 
>             CREATE OR REPLACE
>             DEFINER=viewmaster
>             VIEW `hifwiktionary_p`.`ipblocks`
>             AS select ipb_id, if(ipb_auto<>0,null,ipb_address) as ipb_address, ipb_user, ipb_by, ipb_reason, ipb_timestamp, ipb_auto, ipb_anon_only, ipb_create_account, ipb_expiry, if(ipb_auto<>0,null,ipb_range_start) as ipb_range_start, if(ipb_auto<>0,null,ipb_range_end) as ipb_range_end, ipb_enable_autoblock, ipb_deleted, ipb_block_email, ipb_by_text, ipb_allow_usertalk, ipb_parent_block_id
>             FROM `hifwiktionary`.`ipblocks`
>          WHERE ipb_deleted=0
> ;
> 2017-11-09 16:43:16,372 INFO [revision_userindex] 
> 2017-11-09 16:43:16,372 DEBUG SQL: 
>             CREATE OR REPLACE
>             DEFINER=viewmaster
>             VIEW `hifwiktionary_p`.`revision_userindex`
>             AS select rev_id, rev_page, if(rev_deleted&1,null,rev_text_id) as rev_text_id, if(rev_deleted&2,null,rev_comment) as rev_comment, rev_user, rev_user_text, rev_timestamp, rev_minor_edit, rev_deleted, if(rev_deleted&1,null,rev_len) as rev_len, rev_parent_id, if(rev_deleted&1,null,rev_sha1) as rev_sha1, rev_content_model, rev_content_format
>             FROM `hifwiktionary`.`revision`
>          WHERE (rev_deleted&4)=0
> ;
> 2017-11-09 16:43:16,376 INFO [archive_userindex] 
> 2017-11-09 16:43:16,376 DEBUG SQL: 
>             CREATE OR REPLACE
>             DEFINER=viewmaster
>             VIEW `hifwiktionary_p`.`archive_userindex`
>             AS select ar_id, ar_namespace, ar_title, NULL as ar_text, NULL as ar_comment, ar_user, ar_user_text, ar_timestamp, ar_minor_edit, ar_flags, ar_rev_id, if(ar_deleted&1,null,ar_text_id) as ar_text_id, ar_deleted, if(ar_deleted&1,null,ar_len) as ar_len, ar_page_id, ar_parent_id, if(ar_deleted&1,null,ar_sha1) as ar_sha1
>             FROM `hifwiktionary`.`archive`
>          WHERE (ar_deleted&4)=0
> ;
> 2017-11-09 16:43:16,382 INFO [user] 
> 2017-11-09 16:43:16,382 DEBUG SQL: 
>             CREATE OR REPLACE
>             DEFINER=viewmaster
>             VIEW `hifwiktionary_p`.`user`
>             AS select user_id, user_name, user_real_name, NULL as user_password, NULL as user_newpassword, NULL as user_email, NULL as user_options, NULL as user_touched, NULL as user_token, NULL as user_email_authenticated, NULL as user_email_token, NULL as user_email_token_expires, user_registration, NULL as user_newpass_time, user_editcount, NULL as user_password_expires
>             FROM `hifwiktionary`.`user`
>         ;
> 2017-11-09 16:43:16,421 INFO [user_properties] 
> 2017-11-09 16:43:16,421 DEBUG SQL: 
>             CREATE OR REPLACE
>             DEFINER=viewmaster
>             VIEW `hifwiktionary_p`.`user_properties`
>             AS select up_user, up_property, up_value
>             FROM `hifwiktionary`.`user_properties`
>          WHERE up_property in ( 'disablemail', 'fancysig', 'gender', 'nickname' )
> ;


aborrero@labsdb1009:~$ /usr/local/sbin/maintain-meta_p --databases hifwiktionary
/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pymysql/ Warning: (1007, u"Can't create database 'meta_p'; database exists")

result = self._query(query)

/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pymysql/ Warning: (1050, u"Table 'wiki' already exists")

result = self._query(query)

/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pymysql/ Warning: (1050, u"Table 'properties_anon_whitelist' already exists")

result = self._query(query)

(not sure if that's a problem or not)

This one seems to fail:

aborrero@labsdb1011:~$ /usr/local/sbin/maintain-views --databases hifwiktionary --debug
2017-11-09 16:47:19,741 DEBUG Removing 0 dbs as sensitive
2017-11-09 16:47:19,783 DEBUG SQL: CREATE DATABASE hifwiktionary_p;
Traceback (most recent call last):

File "/usr/local/sbin/maintain-views", line 449, in <module>
  ops.execute(fullviews, customviews)
File "/usr/local/sbin/maintain-views", line 267, in execute
  "CREATE DATABASE `{}`;".format(self.db_p)
File "/usr/local/sbin/maintain-views", line 53, in write_execute
File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/pymysql/", line 166, in execute
  result = self._query(query)
File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/pymysql/", line 322, in _query
File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/pymysql/", line 852, in query
  self._affected_rows = self._read_query_result(unbuffered=unbuffered)
File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/pymysql/", line 1053, in _read_query_result
File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/pymysql/", line 1336, in read
  first_packet = self.connection._read_packet()
File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/pymysql/", line 1010, in _read_packet
File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/pymysql/", line 393, in check_error
File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/pymysql/", line 107, in raise_mysql_exception
  raise errorclass(errno, errval)

pymysql.err.OperationalError: (1044, "Access denied for user 'maintainviews'@'localhost' to database 'hifwiktionary_p'")

Also running directly on labsdb1011,

madhuvishy@labsdb1011:~$ sudo mysql --skip-ssl -u maintainviews -p
Enter password:
Welcome to the MariaDB monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MariaDB connection id is 17624540
Server version: 10.1.28-MariaDB MariaDB Server

Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle, MariaDB Corporation Ab and others.

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.

MariaDB [(none)]> CREATE DATABASE `hifwiktionary_p`;
ERROR 1044 (42000): Access denied for user 'maintainviews'@'localhost' to database 'hifwiktionary_p'

I checked the grants for the maintainviews user and it looks the same as the other two replicas, and this succeeded in 1009 and 1010. @Marostegui could you may be poke at this?

@aborrero FYI, after Manuel's magic, I've run

maintain-views --databases hifwiktionary --debug
/usr/local/sbin/maintain-meta_p --databases hifwiktionary

on labsdb1011. You can continue with the Service Name set up :)

@Marostegui Worked now! what did you have to do?

Manually gave the labsdbuser grants for hifwiktionary_p.
Sometimes we hit that issue and we are not completely sure why and when, as you saw, it worked fine on the other hosts without anything.
We are still trying to figure out that race condition

Glad it worked

@Marostegui right, okay. Thanks! Do we have a ticket for this issue?

Multiples, it has been commented many times when it arises but we are not actively troubleshooting it as it doesn't always happens and we don't have much spare time to kill :-)

the DNS thing:

aborrero@labcontrol1001:~$ source <(sudo cat ~root/
aborrero@labcontrol1001:~$ /usr/local/sbin/wikireplica_dns --aliases --shard s3
2017-11-10T09:19:19Z keystoneclient.utils WARNING : list takes at most 1 positional argument (2 given)
2017-11-10T09:19:20Z py.warnings  WARNING : /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/urllib3/util/ InsecurePlatformWarning: A true SSLContext object is not available. This prevents urllib3 from configuring SSL appropriately and may cause certain SSL connections to fail. For more information, see

2017-11-10T09:20:19Z __main__     WARNING : Creating
2017-11-10T09:20:55Z __main__     WARNING : Creating

2017-11-10T09:24:57Z __main__     WARNING : Creating electcomwiki.web.db.svc.eqiad.wmflabs.
2017-11-10T09:25:32Z __main__     WARNING : Creating hifwiktionary.web.db.svc.eqiad.wmflabs.

Trying what @bd808 said about conntecting to the database:

aborrero@tools-bastion-03:~$ sql hifwiktionary
Could not find requested database
Make sure to ask for a db in format of <wiki>_p

aborrero@tools-bastion-03:~$ sql hifwiktionary_p
Could not find requested database

aborrero@tools-bastion-03:~$ sudo sql hifwiktionary_p
Could not find requested database

aborrero@tools-bastion-03:~$ sudo sql hifwiktionary
Could not find requested database
Make sure to ask for a db in format of <wiki>_p

aborrero@tools-bastion-03:~$ sql --cluster analytics hifwiktionary
ERROR 1044 (42000): Access denied for user 'u18194'@'%' to database 'hifwiktionary_p'

aborrero@tools-bastion-03:~$ sudo sql --cluster analytics hifwiktionary
ERROR 1044 (42000): Access denied for user 'u18194'@'%' to database 'hifwiktionary_p'

aborrero@tools-bastion-03:~$ sql --cluster web hifwiktionary
ERROR 1044 (42000): Access denied for user 'u18194'@'%' to database 'hifwiktionary_p'

Probably some grants/permissions issues?

Merged the patch:

aborrero@puppetmaster1001:~$ sudo puppet-merge
Fetching new commits from
remote: Counting objects: 10235, done
remote: Finding sources: 100% (9/9)
remote: Getting sizes: 100% (6/6)
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (2353/2353)
remote: Total 9 (delta 2), reused 4 (delta 2)
Unpacking objects: 100% (9/9), done.
   980ccab..97c026a  production -> origin/production
HEAD is 980ccab49e38e3dc745668e67c57432a564d7e3c, FETCH_HEAD is 97c026a076e1dc153bfb21928b8e66de25466474.  Reviewing changes...
diff --git a/hieradata/common/profile/openstack/base/pdns/labsdb.yaml b/hieradata/common/profile/openstack/base/pdns/labsdb.yaml
index 3bfe95b..fd17098 100644
--- a/hieradata/common/profile/openstack/base/pdns/labsdb.yaml
+++ b/hieradata/common/profile/openstack/base/pdns/labsdb.yaml
@@ -325,6 +325,7 @@ profile::openstack::base::pdns::labsdb::c3:
   - hewikivoyage
   - hewiktionary
   - hifwiki
+  - hifwiktionary
   - hiwiki
   - hiwikibooks
   - hiwikiquote

Marostegui: Add hifwiktionary too labsdb.yaml (97c026a)
Merge these changes? (yes/no)? yes
Merging 97c026a076e1dc153bfb21928b8e66de25466474...
git merge --ff-only 97c026a076e1dc153bfb21928b8e66de25466474
Updating 980ccab..97c026a
 hieradata/common/profile/openstack/base/pdns/labsdb.yaml | 1 +
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
Running git clean to clean any untracked files.
git clean -dffx -e /private/
HEAD is now 97c026a076e1dc153bfb21928b8e66de25466474.
Fetching new commits from
remote: Counting objects: 10235, done
remote: Finding sources: 100% (9/9)
remote: Getting sizes: 100% (6/6)
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (2353/2353)
remote: Total 9 (delta 2), reused 4 (delta 2)
Unpacking objects: 100% (9/9), done.
   980ccab..97c026a  production -> origin/production
HEAD is 980ccab49e38e3dc745668e67c57432a564d7e3c, FETCH_HEAD is 97c026a076e1dc153bfb21928b8e66de25466474.  Reviewing changes...

Merging 97c026a076e1dc153bfb21928b8e66de25466474...
git merge --ff-only 97c026a076e1dc153bfb21928b8e66de25466474
Updating 980ccab..97c026a
 hieradata/common/profile/openstack/base/pdns/labsdb.yaml | 1 +
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
Running git clean to clean any untracked files.
git clean -dffx -e /private/
HEAD is now 97c026a076e1dc153bfb21928b8e66de25466474.
Connection to puppetmaster1002.eqiad.wmnet closed.
OK: puppet-merge on puppetmaster1002.eqiad.wmnet succeded
Fetching new commits from
remote: Counting objects: 10235, done
remote: Finding sources: 100% (9/9)
remote: Getting sizes: 100% (6/6)
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (2353/2353)
remote: Total 9 (delta 2), reused 4 (delta 2)
Unpacking objects: 100% (9/9), done.
   980ccab..97c026a  production -> origin/production
HEAD is 980ccab49e38e3dc745668e67c57432a564d7e3c, FETCH_HEAD is 97c026a076e1dc153bfb21928b8e66de25466474.  Reviewing changes...

Merging 97c026a076e1dc153bfb21928b8e66de25466474...
git merge --ff-only 97c026a076e1dc153bfb21928b8e66de25466474
Updating 980ccab..97c026a
 hieradata/common/profile/openstack/base/pdns/labsdb.yaml | 1 +
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
Running git clean to clean any untracked files.
git clean -dffx -e /private/
HEAD is now 97c026a076e1dc153bfb21928b8e66de25466474.
Connection to rhodium.eqiad.wmnet closed.
OK: puppet-merge on rhodium.eqiad.wmnet succeded
Fetching new commits from
remote: Counting objects: 10235, done
remote: Finding sources: 100% (9/9)
remote: Getting sizes: 100% (6/6)
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (2353/2353)
remote: Total 9 (delta 2), reused 4 (delta 2)
Unpacking objects: 100% (9/9), done.
   980ccab..97c026a  production -> origin/production
HEAD is 980ccab49e38e3dc745668e67c57432a564d7e3c, FETCH_HEAD is 97c026a076e1dc153bfb21928b8e66de25466474.  Reviewing changes...

Merging 97c026a076e1dc153bfb21928b8e66de25466474...
git merge --ff-only 97c026a076e1dc153bfb21928b8e66de25466474
Updating 980ccab..97c026a
 hieradata/common/profile/openstack/base/pdns/labsdb.yaml | 1 +
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
Running git clean to clean any untracked files.
git clean -dffx -e /private/
HEAD is now 97c026a076e1dc153bfb21928b8e66de25466474.
Connection to puppetmaster2001.codfw.wmnet closed.
OK: puppet-merge on puppetmaster2001.codfw.wmnet succeded
Fetching new commits from
remote: Counting objects: 10235, done
remote: Finding sources: 100% (9/9)
remote: Getting sizes: 100% (6/6)
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (2353/2353)
remote: Total 9 (delta 2), reused 4 (delta 2)
Unpacking objects: 100% (9/9), done.
   980ccab..97c026a  production -> origin/production
HEAD is 980ccab49e38e3dc745668e67c57432a564d7e3c, FETCH_HEAD is 97c026a076e1dc153bfb21928b8e66de25466474.  Reviewing changes...

Merging 97c026a076e1dc153bfb21928b8e66de25466474...
git merge --ff-only 97c026a076e1dc153bfb21928b8e66de25466474
Updating 980ccab..97c026a
 hieradata/common/profile/openstack/base/pdns/labsdb.yaml | 1 +
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
Running git clean to clean any untracked files.
git clean -dffx -e /private/
HEAD is now 97c026a076e1dc153bfb21928b8e66de25466474.
Connection to puppetmaster2002.codfw.wmnet closed.
OK: puppet-merge on puppetmaster2002.codfw.wmnet succeded
Now running conftool-merge to sync any changes to conftool data
Running conftool-sync on /etc/conftool/data
2017-11-10 10:08:08 [INFO] urllib3.connectionpool::_new_conn: Starting new HTTPS connection (1): conf1003.eqiad.wmnet
2017-11-10 10:08:08 [INFO] conftool::load_files: Loading data for entity node from /etc/conftool/data
2017-11-10 10:08:08 [INFO] conftool::load_files: Parsing file /etc/conftool/data/node/codfw.yaml
2017-11-10 10:08:09 [INFO] conftool::load_files: Parsing file /etc/conftool/data/node/ulsfo.yaml
2017-11-10 10:08:09 [INFO] conftool::load_files: Parsing file /etc/conftool/data/node/esams.yaml
2017-11-10 10:08:09 [INFO] conftool::load_files: Parsing file /etc/conftool/data/node/eqiad.yaml
2017-11-10 10:08:09 [INFO] conftool::load_files: Loading data for entity mwconfig from /etc/conftool/data
2017-11-10 10:08:09 [INFO] conftool::load_files: Parsing file /etc/conftool/data/mwconfig/data.yaml
2017-11-10 10:08:09 [INFO] conftool::load_files: Loading data for entity service from /etc/conftool/data
2017-11-10 10:08:09 [INFO] conftool::load_files: Parsing file /etc/conftool/data/service/mediawiki.yaml
2017-11-10 10:08:09 [INFO] conftool::load_files: Parsing file /etc/conftool/data/service/cache.yaml
2017-11-10 10:08:09 [INFO] conftool::load_files: Parsing file /etc/conftool/data/service/misc.yaml
2017-11-10 10:08:09 [INFO] conftool::load_files: Parsing file /etc/conftool/data/service/services.yaml
2017-11-10 10:08:09 [INFO] conftool::load_files: Loading data for entity discovery from /etc/conftool/data
2017-11-10 10:08:09 [INFO] conftool::load_files: Parsing file /etc/conftool/data/discovery/mediawiki.yaml
2017-11-10 10:08:09 [INFO] conftool::load_files: Parsing file /etc/conftool/data/discovery/services.yaml
2017-11-10 10:08:09 [INFO] conftool::load: Adding objects for service
2017-11-10 10:08:09 [INFO] conftool::load: Adding objects for node
2017-11-10 10:08:09 [INFO] conftool::load: Adding objects for mwconfig
2017-11-10 10:08:09 [INFO] conftool::load: Adding objects for discovery
2017-11-10 10:08:09 [INFO] conftool::load: Removing stale objects for discovery
2017-11-10 10:08:09 [INFO] conftool::load: Removing stale objects for mwconfig
2017-11-10 10:08:09 [INFO] conftool::load: Removing stale objects for node
2017-11-10 10:08:09 [INFO] conftool::load: Removing stale objects for service

@aborrero and I caught up on this, and it looks like all the DNS records are created now:

tools.ifttt-dev@tools-bastion-03:~$ sql hifwiktionary_p
Reading table information for completion of table and column names
You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A

Welcome to the MariaDB monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MariaDB connection id is 122989550
Server version: 10.0.22-MariaDB MariaDB Server

Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle, MariaDB Corporation Ab and others.

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.

MariaDB [hifwiktionary_p]> exit

Works fine

tools.ifttt-dev@tools-bastion-03:~$ mysql --defaults-file=$HOME/ -h hifwiktionary.web.db.svc.eqiad.wmflabs
Welcome to the MariaDB monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MariaDB connection id is 17891738
Server version: 10.1.28-MariaDB MariaDB Server

Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle, MariaDB Corporation Ab and others.

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.

MariaDB [(none)]> exit

tools.ifttt-dev@tools-bastion-03:~$ mysql --defaults-file=$HOME/ -h
Welcome to the MariaDB monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MariaDB connection id is 6031823
Server version: 10.1.28-MariaDB MariaDB Server

Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle, MariaDB Corporation Ab and others.

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.

MariaDB [(none)]> exit

Work fine too.

But running:

tools.ifttt-dev@tools-bastion-03:~$ sql --cluster web hifwiktionary
ERROR 1044 (42000): Access denied for user 's52500'@'%' to database 'hifwiktionary_p'

doesn't work. I suspect the bug is with the sql wrapper, since the actual service names resolve fine, and point to the right servers.

@aborrero is going to follow up on what's up with the sql wrapper on Monday.

@madhuvishy I don't think the problem is just the sql wrapper, I can connect to another random view just fine:

marostegui@tools-bastion-03:~$ mysql --defaults-file=$HOME/ -h -A
Welcome to the MariaDB monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MariaDB connection id is 6433661
Server version: 10.1.28-MariaDB MariaDB Server

Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle, MariaDB Corporation Ab and others.

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.

MariaDB [(none)]> use yowiki_p
Database changed
MariaDB [yowiki_p]> use hifwiktionary_p
ERROR 1044 (42000): Access denied for user 'u15343'@'%' to database 'hifwiktionary_p'
MariaDB [yowiki_p]>

Look at the GRANTs now:

MariaDB [yowiki_p]> show grants for 'u15343'@'%';
| Grants for u15343@%                                                                                                                |
| GRANT labsdbuser TO 'u15343'@'%'                                                                                                   |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

MariaDB [yowiki_p]> pager grep hifw
PAGER set to 'grep hifw'
MariaDB [yowiki_p]> show grants for labsdbuser;
| GRANT SELECT, SHOW VIEW ON `hifwiki\_p`.* TO 'labsdbuser'                |
883 rows in set (0.01 sec)

So as you can see there is no grant for that wiki on the labsdbuser role. So the creation of the GRANT failed somewhere along the process (I don't know how and when you guys create and add it).

So as you can see there is no grant for that wiki on the labsdbuser role. So the creation of the GRANT failed somewhere along the process (I don't know how and when you guys create and add it).

I reviewed the code of both maintain-views and maintain-meta_p. They don't seem to create the GRANTs.

Manually gave the labsdbuser grants for hifwiktionary_p.

labsdbuser grants are right now manually applied, this is on purpose to control which data is and is not available to all users.

So as you can see there is no grant for that wiki on the labsdbuser role

But you said above you added it? There is something I do not fully understand.

I reviewed the code of both maintain-views and maintain-meta_p. They don't seem to create the GRANTs.

User accounts are handled automatically, with another process (not sure where, it is on puppet).

I found the issue.
The first comment from Madhu (T173647#3748572) was about labsdb1011, so I only gave the grants to that host as I assumed the other worked fine. So 1009 and 1010 (sby) didn't have them.
So all works fine now:

marostegui@tools-bastion-03:~$ mysql --defaults-file=$HOME/ -h -A
Welcome to the MariaDB monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MariaDB connection id is 7473357
Server version: 10.1.28-MariaDB MariaDB Server

Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle, MariaDB Corporation Ab and others.

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.

MariaDB [(none)]> use hifwiktionary_p
Database changed
MariaDB [hifwiktionary_p]>
MariaDB [hifwiktionary_p]> select @@hostname;
| @@hostname |
| labsdb1009 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

labsdbuser grants are right now manually applied, this is on purpose to control which data is and is not available to all users.

Ok @jcrespo however, Would it make sense to grant wildcard for all _p views?

@madhuvishy reached the same conclusion after seeing a commented line in modules/role/templates/mariadb/grants/wiki-replicas.sql (operations/puppet.git):

-- Labsdbuser is a role with privileges for all views like
-- GRANT SELECT, SHOW VIEW ON `rowikiquote\_p`.* TO 'labsdbuser'

BTW @Marostegui:

aborrero@tools-bastion-03:~$ sql --cluster web hifwiktionary_p
ERROR 1044 (42000): Access denied for user 'u18194'@'%' to database 'hifwiktionary_p'

aborrero@tools-bastion-03:~$ sql --cluster analytics hifwiktionary_p
[.. works fine ..]
MariaDB [hifwiktionary_p]> Bye

aborrero@tools-bastion-03:~$ sql --cluster labsdb hifwiktionary_p
[.. works fine ..]
MariaDB [hifwiktionary_p]> Bye

Se we still have some missing grants. Could you please take a look?

Ok @jcrespo however, Would it make sense to grant wildcard for all _p views?

How would you do that?

Ok @jcrespo however, Would it make sense to grant wildcard for all _p views?

How would you do that?

I don't know enough SQL kung-fu but @bd808 suggested this on IRC:


Which lead to potential private data leaks on: T101758 I said on T104900 why that is a bad idea:

Wildcards on user authorization/authentication are evil. Providing grants with wildcard characters is like writing a blank check- you are giving permision not only to current resources, but to an infinite number of the wrong future resources

Of course, if cloud takes care of it and free DBAs for the responsability of tracking it, we would be more than happy to reassign the responsability to cloud team. :-D

BTW @Marostegui:

aborrero@tools-bastion-03:~$ sql --cluster web hifwiktionary_p
ERROR 1044 (42000): Access denied for user 'u18194'@'%' to database 'hifwiktionary_p'

aborrero@tools-bastion-03:~$ sql --cluster analytics hifwiktionary_p
[.. works fine ..]
MariaDB [hifwiktionary_p]> Bye

aborrero@tools-bastion-03:~$ sql --cluster labsdb hifwiktionary_p
[.. works fine ..]
MariaDB [hifwiktionary_p]> Bye

Se we still have some missing grants. Could you please take a look?

Should be good now

marostegui@tools-bastion-03:~$ sql --cluster web hifwiktionary_p
Reading table information for completion of table and column names
You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A

Welcome to the MariaDB monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MariaDB connection id is 19013511
Server version: 10.1.28-MariaDB MariaDB Server

Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle, MariaDB Corporation Ab and others.

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.

MariaDB [hifwiktionary_p]>

@jcrespo That makes sense, I didn't know the private data was the reason we didn't do the wildcard grants. Lets leave it as is then, @aborrero may be soon working on automating a little better our flow to import a new DB into the replicas and set up access, and we can explore giving the grant on a per view database level every time we do that, in an automated fashion.

As always thanks for all the support you awesome DBAs give us :)

@madhuvishy I think @rush's idea was to fully automatize the addition of databases, because there was a manual grant happening (a last human check everything was ok).

@jcrespo Understood, I wasn't aware of that. We are in the right track then :)

Everything seems to be good now, I'm resolving this task. Thanks a ton @Marostegui!