I have recently started working on my Python tools again, and it's really fun, because most things just work. There are two steps that I find annoying (probably because the rest of the process is so straightforward): bootstrapping a new tool, and updating it later on.
When I am bootstrapping a new tool, I follow the steps listed in https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Help:Toolforge/Web#python_.28Python3_.2B_Kubernetes.29. Except I literally just copy and paste them one by one, in the exact order. The file layout and paths are all standardized, that it just works. But it's kind of annoying to repetitively do that, and some of the commands are long enough (e.g. webservice --backend=kubernetes python shell) that it's much harder to memorize. And you can't just paste them all in at once because of the special k8s shell thing. I can imagine a helper like $ new-python-webservice <git url> that follows those steps, creates the venvs, installs dependencies, and starts the webservice.
And if I updated my tool and changed a dependency? I need to login to the k8s shell, activate the venv, run pip, exit out, and restart. Again, a helper command that does all of this would be pretty nice.
I scoped this ticket about Python since that's what I've been working with and most familiar with. I'm not sure if other languages would also benefit from similar helpers.