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Issue with checking out analytics/wmde/WDCM files due to name on Windows
Closed, ResolvedPublic


adam@adsh MINGW64 ~/dev/git/gerrit/analytics/wmde/WDCM (master)
$ git checkout -f HEAD
error: unable to create file _misc/wdcmSearchReport_2017-08-01 08:18:50.csv: Invalid argument
error: unable to create file _misc/wdcmSqoopReport_2017-07-21 10:31:45.csv: Invalid argument
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'.

Would it be possible to give these files another name?

Event Timeline

  • Sep 28, 2017: I'll see to take care about this in the late evening CEST hours today.

@GoranSMilovanovic are you talking about ?

The files that are already committed in the git repo also need fixing :D

@Addshore If you mean my coding style that jenkins and {lintr} find non-attractive..?

BTW, why do we have a merge conflict on:

@Addshore If you mean my coding style that jenkins and {lintr} find non-attractive..?

No, I mean the file names in git that I can not check out as described in the task description.

error: unable to create file _misc/wdcmSearchReport_2017-08-01 08:18:50.csv: Invalid argument
error: unable to create file _misc/wdcmSqoopReport_2017-07-21 10:31:45.csv: Invalid argument

BTW, why do we have a merge conflict on:

The branch is fast forward only and has to be rebased before it can be merged.

My bad. The change should be visible by now, I had a short issue with my internet connection.