Animation is a powerful tool to draw the users eye to a particular place, either to encourage an action to be taken (cf VE's education popups) or to show that an action has just taken place (e.g. dialog transitions). Used incorrectly in can be very distracting.
In this case the 'Live update' animation, it continuously draws the users attention to an action that has already taken place, with the only way to stop the animation being by turning the feature off.
I think the intention here is to let the user know that the feature is enabled (which the selected state probably does adequately) but also that new information is incoming. For the latter that should be done by drawing the users attention to the top of the list, where the information is about to appear.
Proposed adjustment to the animation
We want to increase both the length of the animation and the delay between repetitions. Due to CSS limitations this will be expressed in the following changes:
- Extend the total length of the animation to 2.3 seconds.
- Redefine the transitions in the animation to be completed already at the 80% point (instead of the current 100%), in order to create a period of no change between repetitions.