Pronlex stopped working and when I restart it, I get test failures.
1 | 2017/10/05 11:28:59 lexserver: started |
2 | 2017/10/05 11:28:59 demo_setup: creating demo database ... |
3 | 2017/10/05 11:28:59 demo_setup: deleting demo db: /home/tts-agent/pronlex/db_files/demodb.db |
4 | 2017/10/05 11:28:59 demo_setup: test database completed |
5 | 2017/10/05 11:28:59 lexserver: creating test server on port :8799 |
6 | 2017/10/05 11:28:59 lexserver: loading dbs from folder /home/tts-agent/pronlex/db_files/ |
7 | 2017/10/05 11:28:59 lexserver: connecting to Sqlite3 db /home/tts-agent/pronlex/db_files/ar_ar_tst_lex.db |
8 | 2017/10/05 11:28:59 lexserver: skipping file: '/home/tts-agent/pronlex/db_files/ar_ar_tst_lex.db-shm' |
9 | 2017/10/05 11:28:59 lexserver: skipping file: '/home/tts-agent/pronlex/db_files/ar_ar_tst_lex.db-wal' |
10 | 2017/10/05 11:28:59 lexserver: connecting to Sqlite3 db /home/tts-agent/pronlex/db_files/demodb.db |
11 | 2017/10/05 11:28:59 lexserver: skipping file: '/home/tts-agent/pronlex/db_files/demodb.db-shm' |
12 | 2017/10/05 11:28:59 lexserver: connecting to Sqlite3 db /home/tts-agent/pronlex/db_files/en_am_cmu_lex.db |
13 | 2017/10/05 11:28:59 lexserver: skipping file: '/home/tts-agent/pronlex/db_files/en_am_cmu_lex.db-shm' |
14 | 2017/10/05 11:28:59 lexserver: skipping file: '/home/tts-agent/pronlex/db_files/en_am_cmu_lex.db-wal' |
15 | 2017/10/05 11:28:59 lexserver: connecting to Sqlite3 db /home/tts-agent/pronlex/db_files/no_nob_nst_lex.db |
16 | 2017/10/05 11:28:59 lexserver: skipping file: '/home/tts-agent/pronlex/db_files/no_nob_nst_lex.db-shm' |
17 | 2017/10/05 11:28:59 lexserver: skipping file: '/home/tts-agent/pronlex/db_files/no_nob_nst_lex.db-wal' |
18 | 2017/10/05 11:28:59 lexserver: connecting to Sqlite3 db /home/tts-agent/pronlex/db_files/sv_se_nst_lex.db |
19 | 2017/10/05 11:28:59 lexserver: skipping file: '/home/tts-agent/pronlex/db_files/sv_se_nst_lex.db-shm' |
20 | 2017/10/05 11:28:59 lexserver: skipping file: '/home/tts-agent/pronlex/db_files/sv_se_nst_lex.db-wal' |
21 | 2017/10/05 11:28:59 lexserver: loaded 5 db(s) |
22 | 2017/10/05 11:28:59 lexserver: loading mapper definitions from file /home/tts-agent/pronlex/symbol_sets/mappers.txt |
23 | 2017/10/05 11:28:59 lexserver: initializing mapper {sv-se_ws-sampa-DEMO sv-se_sampa_mary-DEMO [{" au . l a ' a*U - l a}]} |
24 | 2017/10/05 11:28:59 lexserver: initializing mapper {sv-se_sampa_mary-DEMO sv-se_ws-sampa-DEMO [{' a*U - l a " au . l a}]} |
25 | 2017/10/05 11:28:59 lexserver: initializing mapper {sv-se_ws-sampa sv-se_sampa_mary [{" au . l a ' a*U - l a}]} |
26 | 2017/10/05 11:28:59 lexserver: initializing mapper {sv-se_sampa_mary sv-se_ws-sampa [{' a*U - l a " au . l a}]} |
27 | 2017/10/05 11:28:59 lexserver: loaded symbol sets from dir /home/tts-agent/pronlex/symbol_sets/ |
28 | 2017/10/05 11:28:59 lexserver: loaded converters from dir /home/tts-agent/pronlex/symbol_sets/ |
29 | 2017/10/05 11:28:59 lexserver: loaded validators : [en-us_ws-sampa nb-no_ws-sampa sv-se_ws-sampa sv-se_ws-sampa-DEMO] |
30 | 2017/10/05 11:28:59 lexserver: server created but not started for port :8799 |
31 | 2017/10/05 11:28:59 init_tests: waiting for server to start ... |
32 | 2017/10/05 11:29:00 init_tests: server up and running using port :8799 |
33 | 2017/10/05 11:29:00 init_tests: running tests |
34 | 2017/10/05 11:29:00 init_tests: testing response codes for built-in example URLs |
35 | 2017/10/05 11:29:00 init_tests: /lexicon/list => /lexicon/list : 500 Internal Server Error |
36 | ** FAILED TEST ** for http://localhost:8799/lexicon/list : expected response code 200, found 500 |
37 | 2017/10/05 11:29:00 lexiconLookup: zero params, serving lexlookup.html |
38 | 2017/10/05 11:29:00 init_tests: /lexicon/lookup => /lexicon/lookup : 200 OK |
39 | 2017/10/05 11:29:00 init_tests: /lexicon/info/{lexicon_name} => /lexicon/info/demodb:demolex : 200 OK |
40 | 2017/10/05 11:29:00 init_tests: /lexicon/stats/{lexicon_name} => /lexicon/stats/demodb:demolex : 500 Internal Server Error |
41 | ** FAILED TEST ** for http://localhost:8799/lexicon/stats/demodb:demolex : expected response code 200, found 500 |
42 | 2017/10/05 11:29:00 init_tests: /lexicon/list_current_entry_statuses/{lexicon_name} => /lexicon/list_current_entry_statuses/demodb:demole (...) : 500 Internal Server Error |
43 | ** FAILED TEST ** for http://localhost:8799/lexicon/list_current_entry_statuses/demodb:demolex : expected response code 200, found 500 |
44 | 2017/10/05 11:29:00 init_tests: /lexicon/list_all_entry_statuses/{lexicon_name} => /lexicon/list_all_entry_statuses/demodb:demolex : 500 Internal Server Error |
45 | ** FAILED TEST ** for http://localhost:8799/lexicon/list_all_entry_statuses/demodb:demolex : expected response code 200, found 500 |
46 | 2017/10/05 11:29:00 init_tests: /lexicon/validation_page => /lexicon/validation_page : 200 OK |
47 | 2017/10/05 11:29:00 lexserver failed to update entry : DBManager.InsertEntries failed: failed exec : disk I/O error |
48 | 2017/10/05 11:29:00 init_tests: /lexicon/addentry => /lexicon/addentry?lexicon_name=demodb:demolex&entr (...) : 500 Internal Server Error |
49 | ** FAILED TEST ** for http://localhost:8799/lexicon/addentry?lexicon_name=demodb:demolex&entry={%20%20%20%20%22strn%22:%20%22flesk%22,%20%20%20%20%22language%22:%20%22sv-se%22,%20%20%20%20%22partOfSpeech%22:%20%22NN%22,%20%20%20%20%22morphology%22:%20%22SIN-PLU|IND|NOM|NEU%22,%20%20%20%20%22wordParts%22:%20%22flesk%22,%20%20%20%20%22lemma%22:%20{ %22strn%22:%20%22flesk%22, %22reading%22:%20%22%22, %22paradigm%22:%20%22s7n-övriga%20ex%20träd%22%20%20%20%20},%20%20%20%20%22transcriptions%22:%20[ { %20%20%20%20 %20%20%20%20%22strn%22:%20%22\%22%20f%20l%20E%20s%20k%22, %20%20%20%20%22language%22:%20%22sv-se%22 }%20%20%20%20]} : expected response code 200, found 500 |
50 | 2017/10/05 11:29:00 init_tests: /validation/validateentry => /validation/validateentry?symbolsetname=sv-se_ws-s (...) : 200 OK |
51 | 2017/10/05 11:29:00 init_tests: /validation/validateentries => /validation/validateentries?symbolsetname=sv-se_ws (...) : 200 OK |
52 | 2017/10/05 11:29:00 init_tests: /validation/list => /validation/list : 200 OK |
53 | 2017/10/05 11:29:00 validationStatsHandler failed to retrieve validation stats : dbapi.ValidationStats failed QueryRow : disk I/O error |
54 | 2017/10/05 11:29:00 init_tests: /validation/stats/{lexicon_name} => /validation/stats/demodb:demolex : 400 Bad Request |
55 | ** FAILED TEST ** for http://localhost:8799/validation/stats/demodb:demolex : expected response code 200, found 400 |
56 | 2017/10/05 11:29:00 init_tests: /validation/has_validator/{symbolset} => /validation/has_validator/sv-se_ws-sampa : 200 OK |
57 | 2017/10/05 11:29:00 init_tests: /validation/has_validator/{symbolset} => /validation/has_validator/ar_ws-sampa : 200 OK |
58 | 2017/10/05 11:29:00 init_tests: /symbolset/list => /symbolset/list : 200 OK |
59 | 2017/10/05 11:29:00 init_tests: /symbolset/content/{name} => /symbolset/content/sv-se_ws-sampa-DEMO : 200 OK |
60 | 2017/10/05 11:29:00 Deleted symbol set sv-se_nst-xsampa-DEMO from cache |
61 | 2017/10/05 11:29:00 Loaded symbol set sv-se_nst-xsampa-DEMO into cache |
62 | 2017/10/05 11:29:00 init_tests: /symbolset/reload/{name} => /symbolset/reload/sv-se_nst-xsampa-DEMO : 200 OK |
63 | 2017/10/05 11:29:00 lexserver: loading mapper definitions from file /home/tts-agent/pronlex/symbol_sets/mappers.txt |
64 | 2017/10/05 11:29:00 lexserver: initializing mapper {sv-se_ws-sampa-DEMO sv-se_sampa_mary-DEMO [{" au . l a ' a*U - l a}]} |
65 | 2017/10/05 11:29:00 lexserver: initializing mapper {sv-se_sampa_mary-DEMO sv-se_ws-sampa-DEMO [{' a*U - l a " au . l a}]} |
66 | 2017/10/05 11:29:00 lexserver: initializing mapper {sv-se_ws-sampa sv-se_sampa_mary [{" au . l a ' a*U - l a}]} |
67 | 2017/10/05 11:29:00 lexserver: initializing mapper {sv-se_sampa_mary sv-se_ws-sampa [{' a*U - l a " au . l a}]} |
68 | 2017/10/05 11:29:00 init_tests: /symbolset/reload => /symbolset/reload : 200 OK |
69 | 2017/10/05 11:29:00 init_tests: /symbolset/upload_page => /symbolset/upload_page : 200 OK |
70 | 2017/10/05 11:29:00 init_tests: /mapper/list => /mapper/list : 200 OK |
71 | 2017/10/05 11:29:00 init_tests: /mapper/map/{from}/{to}/{trans} => /mapper/map/sv-se_ws-sampa-DEMO/sv-se_sampa_mary-D (...) : 200 OK |
72 | 2017/10/05 11:29:00 init_tests: /mapper/maptable/{from}/{to} => /mapper/maptable/sv-se_ws-sampa-DEMO/sv-se_sampa_m (...) : 200 OK |
73 | 2017/10/05 11:29:00 init_tests: /converter/convert/{converter}/{trans} => /converter/convert/enusampa_svsampa-DEMO/%22 D i s : 200 OK |
74 | 2017/10/05 11:29:00 init_tests: /converter/convert/{converter}/{trans} => /converter/convert/enusampa_svsampa-DEMO/%22 D EI (...) : 200 OK |
75 | 2017/10/05 11:29:00 init_tests: /converter/list => /converter/list : 200 OK |
76 | 2017/10/05 11:29:00 init_tests: /converter/table/{converter} => /converter/table/enusampa_svsampa-DEMO : 200 OK |
77 | 2017/10/05 11:29:00 init_tests: /admin/lex_import_page => /admin/lex_import_page : 200 OK |
78 | 2017/10/05 11:29:00 init_tests: /admin/list_dbs => /admin/list_dbs : 200 OK |
79 | 2017/10/05 11:29:00 init_tests: /demo/search => /demo/search : 200 OK |
80 | 2017/10/05 11:29:00 init_tests: /meta/urls => /meta/urls : 200 OK |
81 | 2017/10/05 11:29:00 init_tests: /meta/examples => /meta/examples : 200 OK |
82 | 2017/10/05 11:29:00 init_tests: testing some URLs with content |
83 | 2017/10/05 11:29:00 init_tests: testing 200 status: 1 |
84 | 2017/10/05 11:29:00 init_tests: lookup/entry http://localhost:8799/ipa_table.txt |
85 | 2017/10/05 11:29:00 init_tests: testing entry lookup: 4 |
86 | 2017/10/05 11:29:00 lexserver: Failed to get entries: DBManager.LookUp failed : dbapi.LookUp failed for demodb:[demolex] : disk I/O error |
87 | 2017/10/05 11:29:00 init_tests: lookup/entry http://localhost:8799/lexicon/lookup?lexicons=demodb:demolex&wordlike=h%C3%A4st__ |
88 | ** FAILED TEST ** for http://localhost:8799/lexicon/lookup?lexicons=demodb:demolex&wordlike=h%C3%A4st__ : expected response code 200, found 500 |
89 | 2017/10/05 11:29:00 lexserver: Failed to get entries: DBManager.LookUp failed : dbapi.LookUp failed for demodb:[demolex] : disk I/O error |
90 | 2017/10/05 11:29:00 init_tests: lookup/entry http://localhost:8799/lexicon/lookup?lexicons=demodb:demolex&wordpartsregexp=h%C3%A4st |
91 | ** FAILED TEST ** for http://localhost:8799/lexicon/lookup?lexicons=demodb:demolex&wordpartsregexp=h%C3%A4st : expected response code 200, found 500 |
92 | 2017/10/05 11:29:00 lexserver: Failed to get entries: DBManager.LookUp failed : dbapi.LookUp failed for demodb:[demolex] : disk I/O error |
93 | 2017/10/05 11:29:00 init_tests: lookup/entry http://localhost:8799/lexicon/lookup?lemmas=kex&lexicons=demodb:demolex |
94 | ** FAILED TEST ** for http://localhost:8799/lexicon/lookup?lemmas=kex&lexicons=demodb:demolex : expected response code 200, found 500 |
95 | 2017/10/05 11:29:00 lexserver: Failed to get entries: DBManager.LookUp failed : dbapi.LookUp failed for demodb:[demolex] : disk I/O error |
96 | 2017/10/05 11:29:00 init_tests: lookup/entry http://localhost:8799/lexicon/lookup?lexicons=demodb:demolex&words=dom&transcriptionlike=%25o:%25&pp=yes |
97 | ** FAILED TEST ** for http://localhost:8799/lexicon/lookup?lexicons=demodb:demolex&words=dom&transcriptionlike=%25o:%25&pp=yes : expected response code 200, found 500 |
98 | 2017/10/05 11:29:00 init_tests: testing json map results: 3 |
99 | 2017/10/05 11:29:00 init_tests: jsonMap http://localhost:8799/mapper/map/sv-se_ws-sampa-DEMO/sv-se_sampa_mary-DEMO/%22%22%20p%20O%20j%20.%20k%20@ |
100 | 2017/10/05 11:29:00 init_tests: jsonMap http://localhost:8799/mapper/map/sv-se_sampa_mary-DEMO/sv-se_ws-sampa-DEMO/%22%20p%20O%20j%20-%20k%20@ |
101 | 2017/10/05 11:29:00 init_tests: jsonMap http://localhost:8799/validation/validateentry?symbolsetname=sv-se_ws-sampa-DEMO&entry={%22id%22:371546,%22lexiconId%22:1,%22strn%22:%22h%C3%A4st%22,%22language%22:%22SWE%22,%22partOfSpeech%22:%22NN%20SIN|IND|NOM|UTR%22,%22wordParts%22:%22h%C3%A4st%22,%22lemma%22:{%22id%22:42815,%22strn%22:%22h%C3%A4st%22,%22reading%22:%22%22,%22paradigm%22:%22s2q-lapp%22},%22transcriptions%22:[{%22id%22:377191,%22entryId%22:371546,%22strn%22:%22\%22%20h%20E%20s%20t%22,%22language%22:%22SWE%22,%22sources%22:[]}],%22status%22:{%22id%22:371546,%22name%22:%22imported%22,%22source%22:%22nst%22,%22timestamp%22:%222016-09-06T12:54:12Z%22,%22current%22:true}} |
102 | 2017/10/05 11:29:00 init_tests: testing json list results: 4 |
103 | 2017/10/05 11:29:00 init_tests: jsonList http://localhost:8799/admin/list_dbs |
104 | 2017/10/05 11:29:00 init_tests: jsonList http://localhost:8799/mapper/list |
105 | 2017/10/05 11:29:00 init_tests: jsonList http://localhost:8799/symbolset/list |
106 | 2017/10/05 11:29:00 init_tests: jsonList http://localhost:8799/validation/list |
107 | 2017/10/05 11:29:00 init_tests: testing boolean results: 2 |
108 | 2017/10/05 11:29:00 init_tests: jsonMap http://localhost:8799/validation/has_validator/sv-se_ws-sampa-DEMO |
109 | 2017/10/05 11:29:00 init_tests: jsonMap http://localhost:8799/validation/has_validator/ar_ws-sampa-DEMO |
110 | 2017/10/05 11:29:00 init_tests: 45 tests completed with 10 errors! |
111 | 2017/10/05 11:29:00 lexserver: INIT TESTS FAILED |
112 | exit status 1 |