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Proposal: Improvements for the Toolforge 'webservice' command
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bd808 renamed this task from Improvements for the Toolforge 'webservice' command to Proposal: Improvements for the Toolforge 'webservice' command.Oct 11 2017, 7:00 PM
bd808 subscribed.

Hi @Sowjanyavemuri, please feel free to reach out if you need any help completing your proposal. We are available on #wikimedia-cloud or here on Phabricator for any questions, or if you'd like to start learning about our different systems. is a good place to start reading :)

Hi @madhuvishy ,
Thanks for the suggestions. I was held up with exams for a while. Shall start working on the proposal and surely will reach out in case of any queries.

I have updated the proposal for Outreachy(Round-15).
Happy to take any feedback:)


In my school, the winter vacation commences before Dec 5, 2017 and the next semester starts in the 3rd week of January. But I'll be able to give enough time to the project since it's the beginning of the semester and there won't be any exams during that time.

Will you be taking more than half the normal course load in the upcoming semester? Per the eligibility requirements:

You will not be in school full-time for at least seven weeks between December 5, 2017 and March 5, 2018. Full-time school means taking more than half of the credits a typical student takes. For example, if your program recommends students take 20 credits each semester and you are taking more than 10 credits during the internship, you are considered a full-time student. This rule is strictly applied. Do not apply if you do not have seven weeks free from full-time school.

In a recent thread on the mentors mailing list, it has been suggested that the May to August round is a better match for full-time students from India.

Hi @bd808 ,
According to the eligibility criteria, I do have 7 weeks free from full-time school(Dec5 - Jan18).

Here's my answer for eligibility question in my application.
Given the information you provided above, can you certify that after subtracting the credits, if any, that you will receive for Outreachy, you will take no more than half of the typical number of credits a full-time students takes at your school for at least seven weeks between December 5, 2017 and March 5, 2018?
For 7 weeks between December 5, 2017 and March 5, 2018 will be a winter vacation in my school and I'll not be enrolled for any semester at my school(i.e 0 < 19/2 credits for 7 weeks). So, I can certify that "I will take no more than half of the typical number of credits a full-time students takes at your school for at least seven weeks between December 5, 2017 and March 5, 2018"


Could you please confirm my eligibility for Outreachy(Round-15) with the help of the answers/documents/links I've provided in the application. I am asking this just to avoid any kind of unexpected results in the end. I should have requested for this very early but I apologize for not doing it then.

Thanks in advance!

@Sowjanyavemuri Hello, I have reached out to Outreachy organizers, and I'm trying to confirm your eligibility based on your responses. I hope to get back to you by tomorrow cc @bd808

@srishakatux Thanks for the reaching out to the organizers and updating me on that.

@Sowjanyavemuri Hi! You have filled out January 18th as the final date of enrollment for the semester that overlaps with Outreachy.
So, it looks like you will only be free for 6 weeks from full-time school (December 5 to January 18) which unfortunately is less than the required time to be eligible. I would encourage you to consider applying to the next round of Outreachy and if you are interested in contributing to our projects, let us know, and we can help you get started! thanks.

Hi! Thanks for letting me know. But, I have some concerns regarding the same. I have considered Monday to Friday as a week and counted Dec5 - Dec8 as a week and obtained one day less for 7 weeks as duration since Jan18(last no school day) is a thursday. Could you please clarify this and let me know if I am analyzing something wrong.

@Sowjanyavemuri Yes, that's right! You are only falling short of 5 days (Jan 18th - Jan 23rd ), but that's almost a week.

Hi @srishakatux ,
I have considered the week days(i.e Monday to Friday) as the working days for an intern. In my case, number of working days with no school would be 33 starting from Dec 5th which is 2 days less than the number required for 7 weeks(7*5 = 35 days).
I am ready to compensate for these two days in any of the following two ways if possible:

  • Any Saturday and Sunday(weekend) between Dec 5th - Jan 18th
  • Any two days between Nov 24th - Dec 4th (as my vacation commences on Nov 24th for the current semester)

Could you please consider my request in approving my eligibility.
Thank you.

Hello @Sowjanyavemuri! I am not the person who can make any decisions on this anyway :) I am just following the rules of the program. I would first ask you to discuss this with your mentors. If they are doubtful about your situation as well, I will encourage you to email to cc'ing your mentors. Hope this is helpful. Thanks!

I have some queries regarding the eligibility for Outreachy. I have considered the week days(i.e Monday to Friday) as the working days for an intern. In my case, number of working days with no school would be 33 starting from Dec 5th which is 2 days less than the number required for 7 weeks(7*5 = 35 days).
I am ready to compensate for these two days in any of the following two ways if possible:

  • Any Saturday and Sunday(weekend) between Dec 5th - Jan 18th
  • Any two days between Nov 24th - Dec 4th (as my vacation commences on Nov 24th for the current semester)

Could you please consider my request in approving my eligibility.
Thank you.

Hello @Sowjanyavemuri! I'm doubt that we'll be able to bend the scheduling rules although I agree that the numbers are close. For number-crunching purposes, can you please answer each of the questions specifically? I know that these are answered in bits and pieces above but I'm a bit lost in the back-scroll.

  1. Last day of exams for all students for your current term.
  1. The number of credits a typical student takes during your current


  1. The number of credits you are taking for your current term.
  1. First day of classes for all students for your next term.
  1. The number of credits a typical student takes during your next term.
  1. The number of credits you are taking for your next term.
  1. The number of credits you will receive as project credit next term

for your Outreachy internship.

Thank you!


Hi @Andrew,
Thanks a lot for considering the request.

  • Last day of exams for all students for your current term.

24th November, 2017

  • The number of credits a typical student takes during your current term.

23 credits

  • The number of credits you are taking for your current term.

19 credits

  • First day of classes for all students for your next term.

A student can join any day between 15 Jan, 2018 and 18 Jan, 2018 without any issues.

  • The number of credits a typical student takes during your next term.

19 credits

  • The number of credits you are taking for your next term.

22 credits

  • The number of credits you will receive as project credit next term

0 credits

@Sowjanyavemuri, the Outreachy coordinators that I've spoken to are firm that your schedule does not qualify you for an internship for this cycle. I encourage you to re-apply for the May program which should fit your schedule better.

Sorry for the discouraging news, but please do re-apply later in the year. Thanks!


I had a great experience contributing to Wikimedia in just a few days. Will surely try to apply in the next cycle of Outreachy.


Sowjanyavemuri updated the task description. (Show Details)

This task is made invalid as it's ineligible for Outreachy Round-15.