PyBal 1.14.0 checks for badly configured pools. An Icinga warning is emitted whenever a given pool is too small to allow depooling.
The initial check was using Coordinator.canDepool(), meaning that a warning would have been emitted when the following condition was False:
len(self.servers) - len(downServers) >= len(self.servers) * self.lvsservice.getDepoolThreshold()
The alerting code has later been changed; an icinga warning is now raised if the following is True:
total < (total * crd.lvsservice.getDepoolThreshold() + 1)
However, the second approach always generates an alert if an LVS service is configured with a single real server and the depool threshold is greater than zero. This is currently the case for git-ssh4_22 and git-ssh6_22, which only feature phab1001-vcs.eqiad.wmnet in their realserver list.
We should decide whether we do not want to allow services with just one server (it is after all true that it cannot really be depooled! Depool threshold should be set to zero for those) or if the alert condition should be changed.