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Stop storing feeds in Cassandra
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Storing feeds in Cassandra makes it possible for vandalism to show up in the apps for extended periods of time. WE should stop doing that.

Event Timeline

Well, at least it removes one thing to check when it happens next time.

Stashbot subscribed.

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-operations) [2017-12-14T13:26:38Z] <mobrovac@tin> Started deploy [restbase/deploy@187d8ba]: Remove Trending Edits end point and stop storing feed results in Cassandra - T180384 T179412

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-operations) [2017-12-14T13:32:15Z] <mobrovac@tin> Finished deploy [restbase/deploy@187d8ba]: Remove Trending Edits end point and stop storing feed results in Cassandra - T180384 T179412 (duration: 05m 37s)

mobrovac edited projects, added Services (done); removed Services (next).

The fix for this has been deployed. Resolving.