Author: happy_melon
The discussion at was prompted by this error: for readers using a security plugin (mainly FireFox NoScript plugin) that suppresses javascript, the show/hide links for the extended watchlists and recent changes are converted into links to the articles [[RCI0]] and [[RCI1]]. Although there is clearly a bug in the FireFox plugin, it would be elementary defensive programming to use onclick event handlers in these links, which would resolve the issue and probably be more elegant. To be explicit, the links are currently formatted:
<a href="javascript:toggleVisibility('RCI0','RCM0','RCL0')">
When they should be either
<a href="#" onclick="toggleVisibility('RCI0','RCM0','RCL0')">
<span class="jslink" onclick="toggleVisibility('RCI0','RCM0','RCL0')">
with a suitable definition of the 'jslink' class. Credit for this suggestion belongs to [[User:Anomie]].
Version: unspecified
Severity: minor