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Create and write a documentation page about Mentions provided by MediaWiki's Echo extension
Open, Needs TriagePublic


The on-wiki notifications provided by the Echo extension allow people to explicitly mention other users. There are some existing pages here and there on the wikis, but those pages are not necessary up-to-date and the existing documentation on is currently a bit short.

This task is about understanding how Mentioning works. This might require you to play a bit with such Notifications.
You will create/edit a dedicated wiki page under Help:Notifications on to:

  • introduce / summarize the feature
  • explain how it works, with examples
  • detail cases where it will not work, with examples
  • add any relevant information about it.

Plus: A module written in Lua exists at , to be used with "mention" templates. It may be mentioned in an "Advanced settings" section.

The page have to be concise, easy to understand and easy to translate.

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Restricted Application added a subscriber: Aklapper. · View Herald Transcript
Aklapper renamed this task from Create a documentation page about Mentions to Create and write a documentation page about Mentions provided by MediaWiki's Echo extension.Nov 29 2017, 12:55 PM
Aklapper updated the task description. (Show Details)

Hello, @Trizek-WMF I've written a documentation page about Mentions provided by MediaWiki's Echo extension in my sandbox. Kindly go through it when you are not busy. I would love your feedback. Thanks!

Hello @Didicodes and thank you for your work.

Most users miss something to have a successful mention. We have a lot of cases there. I invite you to create a second account for test porposes only, and try to fail as many mentions as you can dto document when it is not possible to mention someone. You may find some feedback on English Wikipedia feedback page and maybe on other languages.

Concerning the page you've created itself, all your links are external links. You should create them as internal links.

Hello, @Trizek-WMF thanks for responding. I will make the requested changes to the links and also look take a look at the suggested pages for feedback.
I will be waiting for the invite :)

@Didicodes: There is no invite. Anyone can create accounts themselves.

Hello @Didicodes and thank you for your work.

I invite you to create a second account for test purposes only and try to fail as many mentions as you can to document when it is not possible to mention someone.

Oh! I misread this. I thought he meant he was going to send an invite. Thanks for clarifying @Aklapper

Hello, @Trizek-WMF I have made the requested changes to the links - all links on the page are now internal links.
I created another account just like you suggested and I have mentioned both User pages interchangeably and I gained a better understanding of the Mentions feature. However, I don't get notified about the success or failure of the users I have mentioned on a talk page or edit summary. Yes! I changed my preferences here to enable this notifications but for some reason, it doesn't work. This is hindering me from actually finding out which mentions failed. I even had to manually check for successful mentions on the user pages of both accounts. How do I solve this?

I purposely mentioned a user in my talk page that does not exist on Naturally, this mention failed but I didn't get a notification.

Have you enabled the feature on the wiki you were mentioning the other account?

Yes. I enabled the feature on both accounts @Trizek-WMF

Yes. I enabled the feature on both accounts @Trizek-WMF

Hi, @Trizek-WMF any other suggestion on this? Everything I have tried has not worked out yet.

It is a bug then. :)

Can you report it?

Yes. I will do that asap.

Didicodes unsubscribed.