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The button “Jetzt Mitglied werden” is not working
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Description: The button “Jetzt Mitglied werden” is not working on my android device when using Chrome 62. Nothing happens after clicking on it. The same bug occurs when using the Galaxy S5 emulator of the desktop version of Chrome 62. The bug does not seem to be consistent, since it does not always occur.
Browser window width: 980
Browser window height: 1644
Screen width: 393
Screen height: 786

button Jetzt Mitglied werden.PNG (345×231 px, 15 KB)

Event Timeline

Apparently, hidden form elements reduce the size of the submit button's clickable area. I took a screenshot of the donation form, but this applies to the membership form as well. I assume, parts of T182427 is related to that.

clickable-area-of-submit-button-reduced.png (868×483 px, 44 KB)

I've tried setting the display value of the info-detail elements to none in PR

Previously, they were semi-hidden through the opacity and height of their parent element, which might have contributed to that strange overlap bug. Please review (if you think the change makes sense) and test with real devices.

1000 thanks to @kai.nissen for the screenshot, it put me on the right track!

The button responds when first pressed. But there are still two buttons displayed (after scrolling). The first button reacts. The second disappears after pressing.

doppelter Button.PNG (1×640 px, 52 KB)