- T192815: “Un-hide all references” functionality on the UI
- T192894: UI related issues to single Wikibase frontends and wdqs
- T192967: UX/UI suggestions towards a new "query helper/query builder" interface
- T192918: Create logo for federated Wikibase/ WDQS landscape
- T192969: UX/UI suggestions related to federated wikibases & a "query helper/builder"
Related Objects
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- Mentioned Here
- T192969: UX/UI suggestions related to federated wikibases & a "query helper/builder"
T192918: Create logo for federated Wikibase/ WDQS landscape
T192967: UX/UI suggestions towards a new "query helper/query builder" interface
T192894: UI related issues to single Wikibase frontends and wdqs
T192815: “Un-hide all references” functionality on the UI
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