Page history is an integral part of how Wikipedia works. Currently we expose the concept of history to all users at the bottom of the page via a small element:
There is an opportunity here to make this element more engaging and informative. A starting point would be including the total number of users that have edited the article. Additionally emphasizing this element (by making it larger) will help communicate that the article is "alive", and hopefully encourage people to edit it. The larger more abstract goal here is
Design notes
two concepts:
A | B |
- The main advantage of exposing the username is to have awareness with readers outside the community that wikipedia is written by individuals like them. this creates a sense of community.
- Including the number of total editors might start to communicate a sense of how mature the article is, and also reinforces the collaborative nature of Wikipedia
- This is rough and obviously will go through the standardization process on UI part. but it archives following things
- shows how many people are involved into making this article happen
- shows freshness of the article
- creates the sense of human involvement into projects
Note: we need to think about how we can have a more standard treatment to this which fits into our design principals and matches other ui components.
Other metadata possibly worth including:
- ORES quality - for english and french wikipedia
- Article quality
- Number of total edits
- Number of editors
- Age of the article
- Last edit date
- Edits per month
- Number of watchers