Rationale: Extensions need an opportunity to register their SlotRoleHandlers when the SlotRoleRegistery service is first instantiated by the ServiceContainer.
Subject | Repo | Branch | Lines +/- | |
[MCR] Allow extensions to manipulate service instances | mediawiki/core | master | +170 -5 |
Event Timeline
daniel created this task.
Comment Actions
Change 434142 had a related patch set uploaded (by Daniel Kinzler; owner: Daniel Kinzler):
[mediawiki/core@master] [MCR] Allow extensions to manipulate service instances
Ladsgroup moved this task from incoming to blocked on others on the Wikidata board.Jun 28 2018, 3:36 PM2018-06-28 15:36:25 (UTC+0)
• Vvjjkkii renamed this task from ServiceContainer: Allow extensions to manipulate services upon creation to rkcaaaaaaa.Jul 1 2018, 1:08 AM2018-07-01 01:08:41 (UTC+0)
Mainframe98 renamed this task from rkcaaaaaaa to ServiceContainer: Allow extensions to manipulate services upon creation.Jul 1 2018, 7:13 AM2018-07-01 07:13:04 (UTC+0)
daniel moved this task from Backlog to Needs Review on the Multi-Content-Revisions (MCR-SDC File Caption Support - phase 2) board.Jul 9 2018, 3:37 PM2018-07-09 15:37:41 (UTC+0)
CCicalese_WMF edited projects, added Core-Platform-Team-Old; removed MediaWiki-Platform-Team-Archived.Jul 12 2018, 12:07 AM2018-07-12 00:07:15 (UTC+0)
Comment Actions
Change 434142 merged by jenkins-bot:
[mediawiki/core@master] [MCR] Allow extensions to manipulate service instances
daniel edited projects, added Multi-Content-Revisions; removed Multi-Content-Revisions (MCR-SDC File Caption Support - phase 2).Aug 2 2018, 3:16 PM2018-08-02 15:16:07 (UTC+0)
daniel moved this task from Inbox to In Progress on the Multi-Content-Revisions board.Sep 17 2018, 1:11 PM2018-09-17 13:11:50 (UTC+0)
Jdforrester-WMF edited projects, added Structured Data Engineering; removed SDC General.Sep 27 2018, 10:12 PM2018-09-27 22:12:35 (UTC+0)
Jdforrester-WMF moved this task from To Do to Monitoring on the Structured Data Engineering board.Sep 27 2018, 10:13 PM2018-09-27 22:13:06 (UTC+0)
CCicalese_WMF edited projects, added Core Platform Team Goals (MCR: Uncategorized); removed Core-Platform-Team-Old.Oct 2 2018, 12:10 AM2018-10-02 00:10:51 (UTC+0)
CCicalese_WMF moved this task from MCR: Deployment to MCR: New Features on the Platform Engineering board.Oct 2 2018, 3:15 AM2018-10-02 03:15:11 (UTC+0)
CCicalese_WMF edited projects, added Platform Engineering (MCR: New Features); removed Platform Engineering (MCR: Deployment).
daniel moved this task from MCR to MCR: New Features on the Platform Engineering board.Oct 4 2018, 10:02 AM2018-10-04 10:02:05 (UTC+0)
daniel edited projects, added Platform Engineering (MCR: New Features); removed Platform Engineering (MCR).
CCicalese_WMF moved this task from In Progress to New Features on the Multi-Content-Revisions board.Oct 4 2018, 2:58 PM2018-10-04 14:58:10 (UTC+0)
CCicalese_WMF edited projects, added Multi-Content-Revisions (New Features); removed Multi-Content-Revisions.
CCicalese_WMF moved this task from MCR: New Features to MCR on the Platform Engineering board.Oct 4 2018, 3:13 PM2018-10-04 15:13:38 (UTC+0)
CCicalese_WMF edited projects, added Platform Engineering (MCR); removed Platform Engineering (MCR: New Features).
CCicalese_WMF edited projects, added Platform Team Workboards; removed Platform Team Legacy (Designing).Oct 14 2018, 4:08 PM2018-10-14 16:08:18 (UTC+0)
daniel edited parent tasks, added: T205891: Display WikibaseMediaInfo captions block on the File page immediately after the file links, before the content of the wikitext block; removed: T194046: Introduce SlotRoleHandler and SlotRoleRegistry for declaring slot roles..Nov 20 2018, 9:55 AM2018-11-20 09:55:25 (UTC+0)
CCicalese_WMF moved this task from Not a real column to Done with CPT on the Platform Team Workboards board.Dec 10 2018, 4:31 PM2018-12-10 16:31:23 (UTC+0)
CCicalese_WMF edited projects, added Platform Team Workboards (Done with CPT); removed Platform Team Workboards.
CCicalese_WMF moved this task from New Features to Done on the Multi-Content-Revisions board.Apr 1 2019, 1:17 PM2019-04-01 13:17:02 (UTC+0)
CCicalese_WMF edited projects, added Multi-Content-Revisions; removed Multi-Content-Revisions (New Features).
CCicalese_WMF edited projects, added Core Platform Team Initiatives (MCR); removed Platform Engineering (MCR).Jul 30 2019, 7:49 PM2019-07-30 19:49:49 (UTC+0)