For my zh-tw wiki, I notice many places where the URL is different
than the page name, e.g. the URL is 最近更改 but the pagename is 近期變動.
It is so frustrating to have one called e.g., "big", and the other e.g.,
"large", when they should be called the same name.
$ GET首頁 |
perl -MURI::Escape -nwle 'next unless /變動/; s/\s+/ /g;print uri_unescape($_);'
<li id="n-recentchanges"><a href="/index.php?title=特殊:最近更改"
title="列出該網站中的最近修改 [r]" accesskey="r">近期變動</a></li>
What a mess! Why can't they be unified?
$ egrep -n "'(最近更改|近期變動)'" MessagesZh_tw.php MessagesZh_hant.php
MessagesZh_tw.php:729:'prefs-rc' => '近期變動',
MessagesZh_tw.php:795:'recentchanges' => '近期變動',
MessagesZh_hant.php:85: 'Recentchanges' => array( '最近更改' ),
MessagesZh_hant.php:1102:'prefs-rc' => '最近更改',
MessagesZh_hant.php:1298:'recentchanges' => '最近更改',
This is just the tip of the iceberg. There are many cases like this.
Another example:
$ GET特殊:特殊頁面 |
perl -MURI::Escape -nwle 'next unless /最舊/; s/\s+/ /g;print uri_unescape($_);'
</ul></td><td width='10%'></td><td width='30%' valign='top'><ul><li><a
href="/index.php?title=特殊:最早頁面" title="特殊:最早頁面">最舊頁面</a></li>
Here the two strings, 最早頁面 vs. 最舊頁面, we see are coming from:
$ egrep -n "最(早|舊)頁" MessagesZh_tw.php MessagesZh_hant.php
MessagesZh_tw.php:1057:'ancientpages' => '最舊頁面',
MessagesZh_hant.php:115: 'Ancientpages' => array( '最早頁面' ),
MessagesZh_hant.php:1636:'ancientpages' => '最舊頁面',
Anyway, for all the above cases, if you must pick one choice to unify
upon, it should be the URL one, as many people have hardwired URLs
into their wikitext, e.g., and as often is the case looking at特殊:最近更改
we have to keep changing links every time a new version of mediawiki
comes out.
P.S., the above is all seen even after installing
which thank you very much for.
Version: 1.14.x
Severity: normal