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[WikibaseMediaInfo] test fails with PHPUnit 6
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WikibaseMediaInfo fails a tests when run under PHPUnit 6. The suite attempts to insert a page with page_id=2 but there is already a page with that id which causes a 1062 Duplicate entry '2' for key 'PRIMARY'.

There was 1 error:

1) Wikibase\MediaInfo\Tests\MediaWiki\Maintenance\CreatePagePropsTest::testDBUpdates
   with data set #0 (
     array(2, 6, 'File.jpg', '', 0, 1, 0, '20180625104925', '20180625104925', 0, 213, 'wikitext', null),
     array(3, 6, 'File2.jpg', '', 0, 1, 0, '20180625104925', '20180625104925', 0, 213, 'wikitext', null)
INSERT  INTO `unittest_page` 

Function: Wikimedia\Rdbms\Database::insert
Error: 1062 Duplicate entry '2' for key 'PRIMARY' (localhost:/tmp/quibble-mysql-821zo5jf/socket)


Repro: check experimental on dummy change:

Event Timeline

A wild guess is that it might be related to PHPUnit data providers. / T200693

@Addshore would you have time to look into that WikibaseMediaInfo weird failure please ? :]

A wild guess is that it might be related to PHPUnit data providers. / T200693

@Addshore would you have time to look into that WikibaseMediaInfo weird failure please ? :]

Looks like it could be something similar to the thing you linked.


Runs the following:

	protected function newPageId() {
		static $pageId;
		if ( $pageId === null ) {
			$db = wfGetDB( DB_REPLICA );
			$pageId = (int)$db->selectField( 'page', 'MAX(page_id) + 1' );
		} else {

		return $pageId;

Doing this in the provider / doing any db interaction in the provider is evil

CI now fails due to an unrelated Selenium test (WikibaseLexeme). Locally I can not reproduce the issue anymore .... That is a mystery.

So it might not be much of an issue. But surely the data provider should not interact with the database. I think we have addDBData() for that?

Mainframe98 subscribed.

Presumably got resolved, but T216735: Drop support for PHPUnit 6.x, so moot anyways.