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Thin stroke-width=".02" not rendered until ~250% zoom level
Open, Stalled, LowPublic


Thin lines of early version of Oxygen480-mimetypes-image-vnd.dwg.svg are not rendered till 267px

The first version of Oxygen480-mimetypes-image-vnd.dwg.svg does not even render at 1000px


T199618.svg320.png (320×320 px, 297 B)
<--Not rendered till 320px:
T199618.svg321.png (321×321 px, 17 KB)
<--rendered only 321px or bigger:

Upstream bug:

Event Timeline

Aklapper renamed this task from thin stroke-width=".021" not rendered on all sizes to Thin stroke-width=".02" not rendered until ~250% zoom level.Mar 10 2019, 8:15 PM
Aklapper added a project: Upstream.
Aklapper moved this task from Backlog to Reported Upstream on the Upstream board.

The SVG file itself at does not render for me in Inkscape 0.94.4 nor librsvg2-2.45.5 until I reach a certain zoom level (about 250% in librsvg).

JoKalliauer changed the task status from Open to Stalled.Jun 29 2021, 9:52 PM
JoKalliauer moved this task from Backlog to librsvg (upstream) on the Wikimedia-SVG-rendering board.
hnowlan claimed this task.
hnowlan subscribed.

Thin lines are now rendering in the test cases given


The last 3 version of already contains a workaround so that the last version renders at the preview-size of 120px.

The first two versions do not render the lines till 267px:!Oxygen480-mimetypes-image-vnd.dwg.svg/267px-Oxygen480-mimetypes-image-vnd.dwg.svg.png

And still does not render till 320px, so there is no difference to earlier versions.

I reopened to stalled and low priority.

JoKalliauer triaged this task as Low priority.
JoKalliauer updated the task description. (Show Details)