Page MenuHomePhabricator is not updating
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I confirmed the 2.0.0 tag is present on github, and I even triggered the github -> packagist service hook manually, still hasn't updated.

@Reedy I remember in the past you got emails if there were validation errors?

Event Timeline

Looks like this one isn't claimed by the mediawiki org..

For the mediawiki org, "Notify me of package update failures" is definitely enabled...

I only have access to the mediawiki account too.

dev-master for the package is at 412c2625e49b7fe9b108c86d22b7380b02037944, so the first commit it's missing is from July 28:

$ git log HEAD...412c2625e49b --oneline
a67127a (HEAD, tag: 2.0.0, origin/master, origin/HEAD) Drop PHP < 7.0 support
024f3a5 Serializer::endTag() removes descendants from the node list
8a971bb Improved tracing
ed17650 Add NullTreeHandler and NullTokenHandler as regular class files
546af1c build: Updating mediawiki/mediawiki-codesniffer to 21.0.0
Reedy claimed this task.

Got the password (let me know if you want it). It's updated now

I noticed the github repo was at not so I updated it