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Failure to reinstantiate editpage in Firefox
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I am not quite sure what is the underlaying mechanism that triggers this behavior, but it goes approx like this

Given I have a lot of stuff open on my computer (usually I track changes over nearly a hundred pages in several browsers)
When a browser carp (usually one page fails in one browser but sometimes it happens in all browsers at the same time)
Then it will ask me if it should reinstantiate the pages

…so far all well…

Given that I have open a discussion page for editing (like w:no:Wikipedia:Tinget)
When the browser reinstantiate the page (WikiEditor2010)
Then only a single discussion thread opens

…when I save this then all the rest of the page is discarded (this happen in this diff)

I'm not quite sure why the page fails to reinstantiate as it should, but initially it seems like the whole page loads, then it is replaced with a single thread.

Usually I edit Wikipedia in Firefox on Ubuntu. Crashing pages are most pronounced in Chromium, but it also happen in Firefox. I have assumed it is due to an out of memory error. The root cause of this error is probably not important. Why the page fails to instantiate properly is important.

Event Timeline

When a browser croaks

Does "croak" translate to "crash"?

Then it will ask me if it should reinstantiate the pages

Does that mean that you restarted your browser or something?

Merging into T62744 though I don't see a bug in MediaWiki software here.

@Aklapper This is not the same. This is not about faulty navigation or restarting the browser. Its about an error when the page is reinstantiated after an error.

Croak should be carp. Perl-lingo, the program reported an error. The error being the page failing to render somehow, and the browser detecting the erroneous behavior.

Several browsers will try to reinstantiate the pages when they crash, in the reported case this happen in Firefox.

@Aklapper This is not the same.

Impossible for me to tell as both steps and words are unclear:

This is not about faulty navigation

I don't know what that means and I don't think T62744 is about "faulty navigation".

or restarting the browser. Its about an error when the page is reinstantiated after an error.

What is the specific error that happened before the error? What does "one page fails" mean?

Croak should be carp.

Carp, a fish. Probably not what you meant.

Croak, carp, cluck, confess are pretty common functions for error reporting from programs.

The browser reinstantiates the page, but the server misinterpret the save action.

Bug is still there, and it is even more common now. Perhaps someone picks this up in the future.

If you have 1) clear steps to reproduce, 2) expected outcome, and 3) actual outcome feel free to edit the task summary and provide such sections.
If your croak or carp or cluck or confess actually mean "restore open pages in a browser after the browser crashed", feel free to say so.
If for some reason you feel that this is not a duplicate, feel free to correct the task status.