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Numeric sorting for category collation on Estonian projects
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Please change category collation to uca-et-u-kn for Estonian-language wikis and recompute the sort keys. No objections here.

After setting it, I suppose, xx-uca-et related code can be dropped as secondary difference between 'v' and 'w (T56168)' was removed upstream in ICU 54.1 and Wikimedia now uses ICU 57.1.

Event Timeline

Change 455804 had a related patch set uploaded (by Gerrit Patch Uploader; owner: Pikne):
[operations/mediawiki-config@master] Set category collation to 'uca-et-u-kn' on Estonian-language wikis

Hello @Pikne.
If you plan to take care of the deployment of this patch, please also claim this task ("Add action", "Assign/Claim" then "Submit").
Also, this help page can help you:
You'll need to schedule it on and be on irc at the time of the deployment.
Feel free to ask if you need help

Rather I'm hoping that someone more tech-savvy reviews my request and does the rest.

Edit: Alright, I'll try to arrange the deployment then.

Change 455804 merged by jenkins-bot:
[operations/mediawiki-config@master] Set category collation to 'uca-et-u-kn' on Estonian-language wikis

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-operations) [2018-09-11T11:25:14Z] <zfilipin@deploy1001> Synchronized wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php: SWAT: [[gerrit:455804|Set category collation to uca-et-u-kn on Estonian-language wikis (T202977)]] (duration: 00m 50s)

zfilipin@mwmaint1001:~$ mwscript updateCollation.php --wiki=etwikibooks --previous-collation=xx-uca-et
Fixing collation for 881 rows.
Selecting next 100 rows... processing...881 done.
881 rows processed
zfilipin@mwmaint1001:~$ mwscript updateCollation.php --wiki=etwikimedia --previous-collation=xx-uca-et
Fixing collation for 299 rows.
Selecting next 100 rows... processing...299 done.
299 rows processed
zfilipin@mwmaint1001:~$ mwscript updateCollation.php --wiki=etwikiquote --previous-collation=xx-uca-et
Fixing collation for 913 rows.
Selecting next 100 rows... processing...913 done.
913 rows processed
zfilipin@mwmaint1001:~$ mwscript updateCollation.php --wiki=etwikisource --previous-collation=xx-uca-et
Fixing collation for 21627 rows.
Selecting next 100 rows... processing...21627 done.
21627 rows processed
zfilipin@mwmaint1001:~$ mwscript updateCollation.php --wiki=etwiktionary --previous-collation=xx-uca-et
Fixing collation for 210479 rows.
Selecting next 100 rows... processing...210479 done.
210479 rows processed
zfilipin@mwmaint1001:~$ mwscript updateCollation.php --wiki=etwiki --previous-collation=xx-uca-et
Fixing collation for 572726 rows.
572726 rows processed

Change 459788 had a related patch set uploaded (by Gerrit Patch Uploader; owner: Pikne):
[mediawiki/core@master] Remove xx-uca-et collation workaround

Change 459788 merged by jenkins-bot:
[mediawiki/core@master] Remove xx-uca-et collation workaround