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l10nupdate is still using HHVM
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Follow-up from T191921: mwscript rebuildLocalisationCache.php takes 40 minutes on HHVM (rather than ~5 on PHP 5) - as far as I can tell, l10nupdate is calling mwscript directly, which is still using HHVM by default. For consistency with scap, it should explicitly use PHP 7.

As a side note, it would be nice if T133913: Completely port l10nupdate to scap was worked on, which would have prevented this issue.

Event Timeline

Properly it should have been a sub-task of T195393 but… ;-)

Change 462748 had a related patch set uploaded (by Thcipriani; owner: Thcipriani):
[operations/puppet@production] Update l10nupdate-1 PHP version to match scap

greg triaged this task as Medium priority.
thcipriani changed the task status from Open to Stalled.Feb 25 2019, 5:50 PM
thcipriani lowered the priority of this task from Medium to Low.

The l10nupdate is currently disabled in production. Resetting priority.

It's definitely not using HHVM anymore...