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Set wgProofreadPagePageJoiner on zh.wikisource
Closed, ResolvedPublic


As per discussion on T104566, please set:

wgProofreadPagePageJoiner = "__PAGEJOIN__"

on zh.wikisource. This is meant to revert the parsing behaviour change introduced by T104566, and return to the previous situation.

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[...] I have already opened a request to disable this functionality on zh.source: T205826. I don't understand why it has not been done yet.

Maybe nobody knows how to create a patch?

I think the cleanest way to implement the config change required here is just to add the following section to InitialiseSettings.php:

'wgProofreadPagePageJoiner' => [
	'default' => '-',
	'zhwikisource' => "__PAGEJOIN__", // T205826

AFAICS, "__PAGEJOIN__" and "__PAGESEPARATOR__" are "magic" strings expected never to appear explicitely in the wikicode of any page in the Page namespace.

Until the T104566 is disabled in this (or another) way in, we have few broken pages there.

And actually the T104566 seems to be useless in and at the moment: no need to remove the page separator when joining words as wgProofreadPagePageSeparator is set to the empty string there.

Change 482502 had a related patch set uploaded (by Zoranzoki21; owner: Zoranzoki21):
[operations/mediawiki-config@master] IS.php: Add wgProofreadPagePageJoiner, set it per default on '-' and at zhwikisource on PAGEJOIN

Change 482502 had a related patch set uploaded (by Zoranzoki21; owner: Zoranzoki21):
[operations/mediawiki-config@master] IS.php: Add wgProofreadPagePageJoiner, set it per default on '-' and at zhwikisource on PAGEJOIN

No objection from my side. @Candalua, could you confirm you still want this to be done?

No objection from my side. @Candalua, could you confirm you still want this to be done?

Yes. The rationale for this task is still valid. Please proceed. Thank you.

Change 482502 merged by jenkins-bot:
[operations/mediawiki-config@master] IS.php: Add wgProofreadPagePageJoiner, set it per default on '-' and at zhwikisource on PAGEJOIN

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-operations) [2020-06-08T18:56:16Z] <urbanecm@deploy1001> Synchronized wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php: SWAT: 1630a10: Set wgProofreadPagePageJoiner to PAGEJOIN for zhwikisource (T205826) (duration: 00m 58s)

Done, sorry for the delay.