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Create an announcement card for the new navigation redesign
Closed, DeclinedPublic2 Estimated Story Points


Why are we doing this?

As there are big, exciting changes coming to the app's navigation, we may want to acknowledge this with a announcement card in the feed. Additionally if there's anything that we feel may require explaining post usability testing, or any new features (such as the TOC) that we want to draw users' attention to we can do so using the feed card.

User story

As a user of the Android app, when big updates happen to the app's UI, I'd like to learn about it in the Explore feed.


  • Illustration
  • Copy discussing the update
  • Define user actions


  • Do we want to lead users to an area where they can read more about the redesign? Or simply allow users to dismiss the card?

Proposed Copy

Card titleBody textButtonAction
New reading featuresUse the Continue reading bar at the bottom of any tab to return to the article view. Explore article sections even faster with a new Table of Contents.Got itDismisses card

Proposed illustration

Nav redesign - image.png (336×1 px, 54 KB)

Redlines and Mocks

Event Timeline

Checklist for announcement cards:

For Android announcements:

Languages targeted (full domain to wiki, e.g. '')
Possibly also: Language variants targeted (this is a new feature we don’t have yet)
Countries targeted (array of two letter country codes, e.g. [ 'US', 'UK', 'IE', 'CA', 'SA', 'AU', 'NZ', 'IN' ])
Announcement type: one of [ 'survey', 'fundraising', 'announcement' ] (doesn’t seem to make a difference on the client side though)
Platforms: [ 'iOSApp', 'AndroidApp', 'AndroidAppV2' ]
Announcement start and end dates (ISO 8601 formatted) in UTC (start date should give at least 1 week lead time) Example: startTime = '2018-08-09T20:00:00Z', endTime = '2018-08-16T20:00:00Z'
Image_height in dp (AndroidAppV2 only)
Link to spreadsheet of translations of strings:
Text (in HTML for Android, plain text for iOS)
Positive action label, e.g. 'Edit languages'
Negative action label, e.g. 'Got it' (optional)
Mocked JSON (as example)
Optional fields:
App version numbers for each announcement (min_version: 230, max_version: 234)
Booleans (AndroidAppV2 only):
beta: if present, only show to beta or non-beta users
Logged_in: if present, only show to logged-in or non-logged-in users
reading_list_sync_enabled: if present, only show to users who have reading list sync enabled, or not enabled.

The announcement card should previously have been built by an Android/iOS engineer using mocked JSON and gone through QA and design sign-off. Therefore also need a link to an Alpha build on which the announcement card is testable.

See also documentation at

Charlotte set the point value for this task to 3.Nov 6 2018, 5:39 PM
Charlotte changed the point value for this task from 3 to 2.