Searching is suffering from various UI regressions. While usable, there are problems with the spinner showing when it shouldn't and the search in pages feature being squished:
There are similar breakages in the media viewer:
and minor breakages in the languages overlay and visual editor overlay (T210640):
Post morterm
The regressions were due to some problems in the inheritance chain which meant the incorrect class on Overlays was being set. I've documented them in Overlays should respect inheritance chain when passing up options
This did not make the train so no SWATs are needed
QA steps
We should visit every single possible overlay in mobile and verify that nothing looks odd about them. Please test this on the BETA CLUSTER
Ideally this should happen after the completion of T209007
The overlays to check are
- Search
- Editor (wikitext)
- Editor (VisualEditor)
- ImageOverlay (click an image)
- NotificationsOverlay (click the bell icon in top right when logged in)
- Page issues overlay (visit
- Languages
- Categories (logged in beta visit
- Talk (logged in bottom of page) - make sure you can also add talk topics and commeent on existing talk topics