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Fatal error: Call to undefined function Kartographer\Wikimedia\suppressWarnings() in /srv/mediawiki/php-1.33.0-wmf.9/extensions/Kartographer/includes/ApiQueryMapData.php on line 49
Closed, ResolvedPublicPRODUCTION ERROR


Noticed after deploying 1.33.0-wmf.9 to group 0:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function Kartographer\Wikimedia\suppressWarnings() in /srv/mediawiki/php-1.33.0-wmf.9/extensions/Kartographer/includes/ApiQueryMapData.php on line 49

Event Timeline

A couple of commits change includes/ApiQueryMapData.php: 479615, 479455

Looks like this is relevant commit: 479455


+ Wikimedia\suppressWarnings();

Pinging relevant people: @Fomafix @MaxSem @Mholloway @MSantos @Krinkle @Jdforrester-WMF

Change 480512 had a related patch set uploaded (by Mholloway; owner: Mholloway):
[mediawiki/extensions/Kartographer@master] Actually import the Wikimedia class

Change 480512 merged by jenkins-bot:
[mediawiki/extensions/Kartographer@master] Actually import the Wikimedia class

Change 480527 had a related patch set uploaded (by Jforrester; owner: Mholloway):
[mediawiki/extensions/Kartographer@wmf/1.33.0-wmf.9] Actually import the Wikimedia class

Change 480527 merged by Thcipriani:
[mediawiki/extensions/Kartographer@wmf/1.33.0-wmf.9] Actually import the Wikimedia class

Change 480678 had a related patch set uploaded (by Legoktm; owner: Legoktm):
[mediawiki/extensions/Kartographer@master] Fix using at-ease functions in namespaced class

Change 480687 had a related patch set uploaded (by Mholloway; owner: Legoktm):
[mediawiki/extensions/Kartographer@wmf/1.33.0-wmf.9] Fix using at-ease functions in namespaced class

Change 480678 merged by jenkins-bot:
[mediawiki/extensions/Kartographer@master] Fix using at-ease functions in namespaced class

Is this resolved? Train is blocked on moving forward until this is resolved.

Should be resolved after the European Mid-day SWAT coming up shortly.

Change 480687 merged by jenkins-bot:
[mediawiki/extensions/Kartographer@wmf/1.33.0-wmf.9] Fix using at-ease functions in namespaced class

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-operations) [2018-12-19T12:23:05Z] <zfilipin@deploy1001> Synchronized php-1.33.0-wmf.9/extensions/Kartographer/: SWAT: [[gerrit:480687|Fix using at-ease functions in namespaced class (T212218)]] (duration: 00m 53s)

mmodell changed the subtype of this task from "Task" to "Production Error".Aug 28 2019, 11:07 PM