For now, we're just keeping track of inbound requests from users here...
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- Mentioned In
- T288285: As a donor I want to be able to make an easy and convenient donation via Apple Pay in the Wikipedia app
T137714: Spike on Apple Pay
T212515: As an Android user, I want to donate through Google Pay / Play Store / Samsung Store - Mentioned Here
- T288285: As a donor I want to be able to make an easy and convenient donation via Apple Pay in the Wikipedia app
Event Timeline;TicketID=10464503
Please integrate Apple Pay donations functionality.;TicketID=9668023
How about adding Apple Pay as a way to donate to Wikipedia? Appreciate all the work on the iOS app!;TicketID=8832946
Have you thought about taking donations through the app? You could use Apple Pay in the iOS app, which would considerably reduce friction.;TicketID=10898645
Thank you for doing such a great job and giving us the greatest possible gift! Access to knowledge and information. I am writing this email to ask is there a way you can add a Pay with Apple Pay inside the iOS app. I want to support Wikipedia whenever I can and there are moments when I want to donate but I do not have my card at hand and I end up postponing and sometimes forgetting. I am doing my best to not be lazy but people are like this sometimes. I know other people have the same experience. Is there a way you can add Apple Pay inside the Wikipedia app so supporting becomes a 1 button experience?
Store review on Dec 3 2018:
"I was about to donate $30 to help keep this website/app Ad free, but there is no option for Apple Pay"
@wikimedia can you enable Apple Pay for Wikipedia donations? Would be easiest and safest for anybody on a compatible Mac or iOS device. Thanks!;TicketID=10912760
I am just sending this because I want to donate to you guys but I haven’t done so yet because I don’t have a paypal or amazon account, but I do use Apple Pay very often. I am reluctant to make more payment accounts but I would if Apple Pay were available. I just figure you are all probably missing out on a lot of donations due to not having Apple Pay enabled as a payment method. Thanks.
OTRS Ticket#2019081010004445:
Not a bug per se, more of a complaint for a lack of a feature. I like Wikipedia, I use it
quite frequently and I appreciate your efforts. However, until you give me a completely
secure and safe way to donate money, you won’t get anything from me. It needs to be safe,
secure, and anonymous. I will not handover financial information, period. I am requesting
Apple Pay. If you put that into the app, I’ll donate monthly. Until then, nothing.
Please add Apple Pay option ASAP as I want to support this more easily and more frequently.;TicketID=11236121
I would donate if you supported Apple Pay